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Publicaciones relevantes

Las publicaciones más relevantes de Pedro Miguel Echenique en el ámbito de la investigación científica.  

Prediction and observation of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator

M. M. Otrokov, I. I. Klimovskikh, H. Bentmann, D. Estyunin, A. Zeugner, Z. S. Aliev, S. Gaß, A. U. B. Wolter, A. V. Koroleva, A. M. Shikin, M. Blanco-Rey, M. Hoffmann, I. P. Rusinov, A. Yu. Vyazovskaya, S. V. Eremeev, Yu. M. Koroteev, V. M. Kuznetsov, F. Freyse, J. Sánchez-Barriga, I. R. Amiraslanov, M. B. Babanly, N. T. Mamedov, N. A. Abdullayev, V. N. Zverev, A. Alfonsov, V. Kataev, B. Büchner, E. F. Schwier, S. Kumar, A. Kimura, L. Petaccia, G. Di Santo, R. C. Vidal, S. Schatz, K. Kißner, M. Ünzelmann, C. H. Min, Simon Moser, T. R. F. Peixoto, F. Reinert, A. Ernst, P. M. Echenique, A. Isaeva and E. V. Chulkov

Nature 576, 416-422

Unique thickness-dependent properties of the van der Waals interlayer antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4 films

M.M.Otrokov, I.P. Rusinov, M. Blanco-Rey, M. Hoffmann, A.Y. Vyazovskaya, S.V. Eremeev, A. Ernst, P.M. Echenique, A. Arnau and E.V. Chulkov

Physical Review Letters 122, 107202

Angular momentum-induced delays in solid-state photoemission enhanced by intra-atomic interactions

F. Siek, S. Neb, P. Bartz, M. Hensen, C. Struber, S. Fiechter, M. Torrent-Sucarrat, V.M. Silkin, E.E. Krasovskii, N.M. Kabachnik, S. Fritzsche, R.D. Muino, P.M. Echenique, A.K. Kazansky, N. Muller, W. Pfeiffer and U. Heinzmann

Science 357, 1274-1277

Resolubility of image-potential resonances

U. Höfer and P.M. Echenique

Surface Science 643, 203

Ideal two-dimensional electron systems with a giant rashba-type spin splitting in real materials: surfaces of bismuth tellurohalides

S.V. Eremeev, I.A. Nechaev, Y.M. Koroteev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov

Physical Review Letters 108, 246802

Attostreaking with metallic nano-objects

A.G. Borisov, P.M. Echenique and A.K. Kazansky

New Journal of Physics 14, 023036

Time-dependent electron phenomena at surfaces

R. Diez Muiño, D. Sánchez -Portal, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique

PNAS 108, 971

Ultrafast magnon generation in an Fe film on Cu (100)

A.B. Schmidt, M. Pickel, M. Donath, P. Buczek, A. Ernst, V.P. Zhukov, P.M. Echenique, L.M. Sandratskii, E.V. Chulkov and M. Weinelt

Physical Review Letters 105, 197401

One-electron model for the electronic response of metal surfaces to subfemtosecond photoexcitation

A.K. Kazansky and P.M. Echenique

Physical Review Letters 102, 177401

First principles calculation of charge transfer at surfaces:The case of core-excited Ar* (2p-13/2 4S) on Ru (0001)

D. Sanchez-Portal, D. Menzel and P.M. Echenique

Physical Review B 76, 235406

Ultrafast charge transfer and atomic orbital polarization.

M. Deppe, A. Föhlish, F. Hennies, M. Nagasono, M. Beye, D. Sánchez-Portal, P.M. Echenique and W. Wurth

J. Chemical Phys. 127, 174708

Attosecond spectroscopy in condensed matter.

A. L. Cavalieri, N. Muller, Th. Uphues, V. Yakovlev, A. Baltuska, B. Horvath, B. Schmidt, L. Blümel, R. Holzwarth, S. Hendel, M. Drescher, U. Kleineberg, P.M. Echenique, R. Kienberger, F. Krausz and U. Heinzmann

Nature 449, (7165); 1029-1032

Low-energy acoustic plasmons at metal surfaces.

B. Diaconescu, K. Pohl, L. Vattuone, L. Savio, Ph. Hofmann, V.M. Silkin, J.M. Pitarke, E.V. Chulkov, D. Farias, P.M. Echenique, M. Rocca

Nature 448, 57

Theory of surface plasmons and surface-plasmon polaritons.

Pitarke JM, Silkin VM, Chulkov EV, and Echenique PM

Reports Progress Physics 70, 1-87

Lifetimes and inelastic mean free path of low-energy excited electrons in Fe, Ni, Pt, and Au: Ab initio GW+T calculations

Zhukov VP, Chulkov EV, and Echenique PM

Physical Review B 73, 125105

Theory of acoustic surface plasmons

J.M. Pitarke, V.U. Nazarov, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, E. Zaremba, and P.M. Echenique

Physical Review B 70, 205403

Band structure versus dynamical exchange-correlation effects in surface plasmon energy and damping: A first-principles calculation

V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique

Physical Review Letters 93, 17, 176801

Decay of electronic excitations at metal surfaces

P.M. Echenique, R. Berndt, E.V. Chulkov, Th. Fauster, A. Goldman, and U. Höfer

Surface Science Reports 52, 219

Building up the screening below the femtosecond scale

A. Borisov, D. Sánchez-Portal, R. Díez Muiño, and P.M. Echenique

Chemical Physics Letters 387, 95

Electron-phonon interaction at the Be(0001) surface

A. Eiguren, S. de Gironcoli, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, and E. Tosatti

Physical Review Letters 91, 166803

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"La ciencia es económicamente decisiva, culturalmente crucial y estéticamente bella"
P.M. Echenique