- «Dynamic screening and charge states of ions in solids»
Conference on the Use of Accellerators in Industry
Denton. Texas. U.S.A. Noviembre 1984 - «Capture and loss into bound and wake states of ions moving in an electron gas»
U.S.A.-Japan Seminar on Physics with fast molecular Ion Beams
Honolulu, Hawaii,U.S.A. 14 – 21 Diciembre, 1985 - «Image States at Metal Surfaces» («Keynote speaker»)
Adriatico Research School: «Dynamical Screening and Spectroscopy of
Trieste. Italy. 24 – 27 June. 1986 - «Interaction of Slow Ions with Bulk and Surfaces»
«International Workshop on the interaction of slow ions with matter»
Linz. Austria. 18 – 21 Septiembre - Chairman de la sesión «Electrons at Surfaces» and invited speaker
10th Werner Brandt Workshop
Alicante. Spain (1987) - Conferenciante invitado
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on «RHEED and Reflection Electron Imaging of Surfaces»
Veldhoven. The Netherlands, June 15-19 (1987) - Conferenciante invitado
«12th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids»
Okayama Science University. Okayama, Japan (October 12 – 16, 1987) - Conferenciante invitado
«International Symposium on Dynamic Interactions of Charged Particles with Solids»
Riken Wako-Shi Saitama, Japan. October 8-9, (1987) - Invited speaker: «Interaction of Electrons with Surfaces»
General Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society)
New Orleans USA, 21-25 March 1988 - Invited speaker: Problems on «Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy STEM»
11th International Werner Brandt workshop or particle penetration in solids
Oak Ridge, TN (U.S.A.) 14-15th April (1988) - Invited speaker: «Wake Riding Electrons in Protons and Antiprotons»
International Symposium on Dynamic Particles-Condensed Matter Interactions
Hakone, Kanagawa-Japan. 4-5 December 1988 - Invited speaker: «Interaction of Slow Ions with Matter»
Sanibel Symposia 1989
Sanibel Florida- U.S.A., 1-8 April 1989 - «Image Potential and Image States at Surfaces»
3S-90 Symposium on Surface Science
La Plagne France, 11-17 March 1990 - «Density Functional Theory of Stopping»
NATO-ASI on Interaction of Charged Particles with Solids and Surfaces.
Alicante (Spain) 6-20 May (1990) - «Image Potential States»
14th International Seminar on Surface Physics
Wroclaw, Poland. May 21-26 (1990) - «Interaction of STEM Electrons with Surfaces»
Cuzco Sixth Latin American Symposium on Surface Physics
Cuzco, Perú. 3-7 Septiembre (1990) - «Image Potential Effects for Slow and High Energy Electrons»
11th European Conference on Surface Science
Salamanca, Spain. October 1-4 (1990) - «Stopping Power of Slow Ions in Matter»
Eleventh International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in
Research and Industry
Denton – Texas, U.S.A.. 5-8 November (1990) - «The Image Potential in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy»
The 13th W. Brandt Conference on Charged Particle Penetration Phenomena
NARA, Japan. 13-16 November (1990) - «Phase Effect in Stopping Power»
The 14th W. Brandt Conference
Oak Ridge (USA) 30 April – 1 May (1992) - «International workshop on Energy Transfer in interactions with surfaces and adsorbates»
Trieste, Italy 31 August-11September 1992 - «Image States: Idea and Theoretical Development»
16th International Seminar on Surface Physics
Kudowa (Poland) 5- 10 October (1992) - Bariloche (Argentina) – November (1992)
- «Energy Loss of Moving Ions in Condensed Matter»
European Conference
Regensburg (Germany) (1993) - «Valence Loss Spectra in STEM»
VIth Symposium on Surface Physics
Chlum (Czech Republic) 24-28 May (1993) - «Charge States and Energy Loss of Ions in Solids»
Research School on Electronic Energy Loss of Ions in Matter
Gmunden, Austria. 12-16 July (1993) - «Interaction of Ions and Electrons with Bulk and Surfaces»
14th General Conference on Condensed Matter. European Physical Society
Madrid, Spain. March 28-31 (1994) - «Dynamic Screening and Energy Loss of Ions in Solids»
2nd International Conference on Computer simulation of Radiation Effects in
Solids, COSIRES 94
Santa Barbara, California, July 25-29 (1994) - «Valence Electron Energy Loss in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy»
European Research Conference. Electronic Structure of Solids
Gansdal, Norway 27 August-1 September (1994) - «Dynamic Screening of Ions in Solids»
International Symposium
Oak Ridge, TN (USA). 22-24 October (1994) - «Low Energy Losses in STEM»
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference
Warwick (UK), 19-21 December 1994 - «Screening of Charges at Bulk and Surfaces in Theoretical Overview»
HCI Meeting
Kitzbühl (Austria), 27-30 January 1995 - «Valence Loss of STEM Electrons» (Plennary Talk)
Symposium on Surface Science 3S’95
Salzburg (Austria), April 23-29 (1995) - «Electronic Stopping of Slow Ions in Solids» (Plennary Talk)
9th International Conference on Surface Modification of Metals by Ion Beams
Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain- September 4-8 (1995) - «Non Linear Auger Rates of Highly Charged Ions in Metals»
Werner Brandt International Conference
Oak Ridge, TN (USA), 8-9 January 1996 - «Surface Image Electronic States»
Workshop on Electronic Structure: Prediction and Applications
Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain, 26-27 January 1996. - «L-Auger Filling Rates of Highly Charged Ions in Metals»
Workshop on «Ions Surface Interaction»
Les Houches, France, 12-16 March 1996 - «Energy Loss of Slow Ions in Solids»
International meeting on Topics in Theoretical solid state physics
Namur, Belgium, 14-18 January 1997 - «Life Time of Electrons above the Fermi Level»
International Conference in Femtosecond Chemistry
Ascona , Switzerland, 2-5 March 1997 - «Surface Electrons»
Symposium on Surface Science
Osnabrück (Germany). March 7, 1997 - «Pérdidas de Energía en el Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido» (Charla
Sociedad de Microscopía Española
Toledo, Spain, 15-18 April 1997 - «Image States: Concept and Development»
Symposium on dynamics of image potential states on metal surfaces
Garching. München, Germany, 20-21 October 1997 - «Lifetimes of Excited States at Surfaces» (Plennary talk)
International Symposium on Surface Science 3S-98
Park City. Utah (USA), March 29- April 4, 1998 - «Lifetimes of Image States at Metal Surfaces»
Workshop on Computational Chemistry
Miraflores de la Sierra , Madrid, Spain. June 18-20, 1998. - «Apantallamiento Dinámico de Iones en Sólidos» (Charla Plenaria)
Congreso de la AFA
La Plata (Argentina), 21-25 Sept. 1998 - «Lifetimes of Electrons Near the Fermi Surface»
Ringberg Symposium on Ultrafast Surface Dynamics.
Rottach-Egern (Germany). March 28-April 1, 1999 - «Lifetime of electrons near the Fermi Level»
The 19th Werner Brandt Conference
Bariloche (Argentina). April 13-16, 1999 - «Dinámica de Electrones en Superficies Metálicas»
XXVII Reunión Bienal de la RSEF
Valencia (Spain), Septiembre 20-24, 1999 - «Inelastic lifetimes of surface states in metals»
12th Symposium on Surface Science
Alberta, Canadá, Marzo 14-19,2000 - «Inelastic lifetimes of surface states in metals». After dinner speech.
SSS Conference
Alberta, Canadá, Marzo 14-19 2000 - «Self-energy and inelastic lifetimes of surface states in metals»
German Physical Society
Regensbourg, Germany, 30 Marzo 2000 - “Lifetimes of Electrons Near the Fermi Level”
International Conference on Electron Dynamics at Surfaces Triestre. Italy.
11- 14 Junio 2000 - «Lifetimes of surface states in metals»
20th International Seminar on Surface Physics
KudowaZdrój (Poland), June 19-24 (2000) - “Lifetimes of image states at surfaces”
ICACS – 19.
Paris (France), 29 July – 3 August (2001) - “Nonlinear screening in two dimensional electron gases”
21st Werner Brandt workshop on penetration phenomena
(Atoms and Molecules at surfaces)
Donostia – San Sebastián (Spain), 17 – 18 September (2001) - “Electron Dynamics in 2D and 3D metals”
School on Dynamik von Elektronentransferprozessen an Greensflächen”
Bonn, Alemania. 7-8 February 2001 - “Lifetimes of surface and image state”
Trends in Nanotecnology TNT 2001
Segovia, Spain, September 3, (2001) - “Electron dynamics in 2 and 3 dimensional metals”
OSA Annual meeting 2001 and 17 th Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference
Long Beach, California, USA, October14-18 (2001) - “La Sociedad del Conocimiento”
Congreso Internacional de Estudios Vascos. Eusko Ikaskuntza.
San Sebastián, Spain, 28-30 November (2001) - “Lifetimes of electrons and holes at surfaces”
International workshop. Total Energy Methods in Computational Condensed
La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. January 10-12 (2002) - “Electron dynamics of bulk and surface states”
International Research Conference on Surface Photoprocesses
Les Houches, France. January 14-18 (2002) - “Lifetimes of electrons and holes at surfaces”
International Symposioum on New Trends on femtosecond lager spectroscopy in
Chemistry Physics and Neurobiology.
Madrid, Spain. 12-13 February (2002) - “Lifetime of electrons and holes at surfaces”
Werner Brandt Workshop
Namur, Belgium. 27-29 June (2002) - “Electrón Dynamics at surfaces”
TNT Conference.
Santiago de Compostela. Spain. 11-13 September (2002) - “Low energy collective electronic excitations at metal surfaces”
Symposium on Surface Science 2003.
La Plagne, France, 30 March-5 April (2003) - “Theory of surface Science”
The future of surface science, Garching, Munich, Germany 28 April (2003) - “Screening and dimensionality on electron dynamics at bulk and surfaces”
23rd W. Brandt Workshop- Electronic Excitations of Solids.
Playa del Carmen, Q.Roo, Mexico, June 4-6, (2003) - “Low-energy collective electronic excitations at metal surfaces”
Telluride, Denver, USA. 23-27 June (2003) - “Acoustic plasmons at metal surfaces”
V Donostia Encounter on Particle Solid Interactions
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, 8-13 September (2003) - “Low energy collective electronic excitations at metal surfaces. Surface Plasmons Photonics”
Euroconference on Nano-optics.
Granada, Spain, 20-25 September (2003) - “Hole and electron dynamics at surfaces”
International Symposium. Low-dimensional materials. Present and future
Madrid, 29-30 April (2004) - “Screening and quasiparticles dynamics at solid and surface”
Workshop Kieler Woche.
Kiel, Germany 22-26 June (2004) - “Electronic excitations in solids”
COSIRES Conference
Hellsinky, Finland 26 June-1 July (2004) - “Many body theory of electronic lifetimes at surfaces”
European Graduate College Eelctron-Electron Interactions in Solids. Philipps
Universität Marburg
Marburg, Germany, 1-3 July 2004 - “Electron and hole dynamics at bulk and surfaces”
Presented by J. Gervasoni
ESS’04 IUVSTA Workshop on electron scattering in solids
Debrecen, Hungary, 4-8 July (2004) - “Attosecond screening”
Werner Brandt Workshop
Berlin, Germany 11-14 July (2004) - “Lifetime of electrons and holes at surfaces”
Encuentro de Física Fundamental. Homenaje a A. Galindo.
Madrid, Spain, 26 November (2004) - “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
Physik seit Einstein Workshop.
German Physical Society Meeting
Berlin, Germany, 3-5 March (2005) - “Dinámica de electrones en superficies”
Disertaciones sobre Física Contemporánea
Año Mundial de la Física.
Universidad Autónoma de México., México, April (2005) - “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
Werner Brandt Workshop.
Gainsville, Florida, USA. 9-15 April (2005) - “Theory of electron dynamics at surfaces”
Workshop on ultrafast time resolved soft x-ray science.
Zeuthen, Germany. 27-29 April (2005) - “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
TNT Workshop.
Oviedo, Spain, 2-3 September (2005) - “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
Bienal de la RSEF. Plenary speech.
Ourense, Galicia. 12 September (2005) - “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
IV Rencontré Franco-Espagnole sur la Chimie et la Physique de L’Etat Solid.
Bilbao, Spain, 4-8 April (2006) - “Size-dependent effects in the electron dynamics of metallic clusters”
26th Brandt Ritchie Workshop
Paris, 16-18 July (2006) - “Dynamic screening and energy loss of ions and electrons in an electron gas”
ICACS 2006, 22nd International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids
Berlin, 21st to 26th July (2006) - “Dynamics of electrons and holes in bulk metals and at surfaces”
Paris, 4-8th September (2006) - “Dynamic screening and electron dynamics at surfaces”
IISC 16, International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions.
Austria, 17-22 September (2006) - “Electron and hole dynamics in bulk metals and at surfaces”
15th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics
Berlin, 29th July- 3rd August (2007) - “A novel low energy electronic collective excitation at metal surfaces”
Trends in Nanotechnology (TNT 2007)
San Sebastian, 3-7th September (2007) - “Lo útil de conocer. El gran reto de lo pequeño”
X Congreso Nacional de Materiales
Universidad de Mondragón
Kursaal, Donostia-San Sebastián
San Sebastián, June 18, (2008) - “Electron Dynamics at Surface”
Prof. Sir John B. Pendry Fest
London, September 29, (2008) - “Electron Dynamis at Surfaces”
Prof. R.M. Nieminen Fest
Helsinki, October 3, (2008) - “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
P.M. Echenique, E.V. Chulkov, A. Kazansky, D. Sanchez-Portal and V.M. Silkin
The Brandt Ritchie Symposium
Madrid, Spain, May 25-27, (2009) - “Acoustic surface plasmon on a metal surface with adlayers”
P.M. Echenique
TNT 2009. Trends in Nanotechnology, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-11, 2009 - “Acoustic surface plasmon at surfaces and nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
International Conference on Nanostructures at surfaces, Ascona, Switzerland,
September 20-25, 2009 - “A new collective electronic excitation at surfaces”
P.M. Echenique
Symposium in honor of Prof. Dr. Dietrich Menzel´s 75th birthday, Max Planck
Institute for Plasmaphysics (IPP), Campus Garching, Germany, April 20, 2010 - “Condensed matter effects in attosecond physics”
P.M. Echenique
75th Annual Meeting of the DPG, Dresden, Germany, March 13-18, 2011 - “Electron Dynamics at Surfaces and Nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
International workshop on “Elementary Processes in Solids and at Interfaces:
Carrier, Lattices and Molecular Dynamics, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein,
Germany, May29-June 1, 2011 - “Electron dynamics at Surfaces and Nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
11th Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics (IBER2011),
Coimbra, Portugal, June 20-22, 2011 - “Electron dynamics at Surfaces and Nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
PCAM Summer School 2011: Electronic and Optical Properties of Nanoscale
Materials, July 4-7, 2011, Donostia – San Sebastian - “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
100th anniversary of Kaiser Wilhelm Institue for Physical Chemistry and
Electrochemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin,
October 26-28, 2011 - “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
“Advances in atomic collisions and particle-surface interactions”, Workshop in honor of Victor Hugo Ponce, Centro Atómico Bariloche, Argentina, November
7-8, 2011 - “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
Colloquium Munich, January 8-10, 2012 - “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
“A passion for science”, Colloquium in honour of the members of the Royal Belgian Academy for Sciences, Letters and Arts, January 19-22, 2012 - “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures»
P.M. Echenique
Conferencia Plenaria, NanoSpain 2012, Santander, February 28, 2012 - «Ciencia, economía, cultura: la sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil»
P.M. Echenique
Centenario Universidad Interamericana Puerto Rico. 11 de septiembre de 2012 - “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
Train2 international Conference, Barcelona, 22 de noviembre de 2012 - “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
International Workshop on Short-time Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Systems and Novel Superconductors, Bochum, Germany, February 18-21, 2013 - “Dinámica de electrones en superficies y nanoestructuras”
P.M. Echenique
Jornada científica con ocasión del 70º cumpleaños de Juan Rojo. Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, 8 de abril de 2013 - “Interfaces between science and society, particles and light”
P.M. Echenique
Seminar: Transactions in science and society. The Royal Society, London, April
24, 2013 - “Electron dynamics at surfaces, nanostructures, grapheme and topological insulators”
P.M. Echenique
Plenary talk. TNT 2013 (Trends in NanoTechnology), Sevilla, September 9-13,
2013 - “Ciencia. Crisis. Futuro”
P.M. Echenique
IV Congreso Internacional. Reflexiones para la transformación de la sociedad,
Guatemala, October 22, 2013 - “Ciencia. Crisis. Futuro”
P.M. Echenique
Congreso “Ciência, economia e crise”
Fundaçao Francisco Manuel do Santos, Oporto, November 22, 2013 - “Dinámica de electrones en superficies y nanoestructuras”
P.M. Echenique
Conmemoración del centenario del modelo atómico de Niels Bohr. En recuerdo del Excmo. Sr. D. Carlos Sánchez del Río y Sierra
Academia de Ciencias de Madrid, November 27, 2013 - “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
P.M. Echenique
Institut de physique et chimie des matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), May 5, 2014 - ”Electron dynamics at surfaces”
P.M. Echenique
Symposium in honor of Jean-Pierre Gauyacq. Atomic and Molecular Physics at
Surfaces: dynamics of inelastic processes. Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, November 18, 2014 - “La sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil. Cooperación internacional: el camino”
P.M. Echenique
I Simposio Euro-Regional. Universidad de Burdeos, November 19, 2014 - “Attophysics in Condensed Matter”
P.M. Echenique
Workshop “The Future of Ultrafast Surface Dynamics” on the occasion of the
60th birthday of Thomas Fauster, Erlangen, April 17-18, 2015 - “Laudatio for Prof. Helmut Winter”
P.M. Echenique
21st International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-21), Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Donostia, October 18-23, 2015 - ”Attofísica de superficies”
P.M. Echenique
Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Manuel Cardona, Real Academia de Ciencias, Madrid, february 10, 2016 - “Surface attophysics”
P.M. Echenique
MANA International Symposium 2016, Japan, March 9, 2016 - “Surface attophysics”
P.M. Echenique
NanoSpain Conference 2016, Logroño, March 15, 2016 - “Surface attophysics”
P.M. Echenique
Helsinki Colloquium, P.M. Echenique Honoris Causa by the University of Aalto,
Helsinki, October 6, 2016 - “La sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil”
P.M. Echenique
VI Congreso ScienceIES, Sevilla, April 18, 2017 - “Ciencia. Cultura. Progreso”
P.M. Echenique
Divulgación y cultura científica: diálogo universidad-sociedad, UIMP,
Santander, June 26, 2017 - “Surface attophysics”
P.M. Echenique
16th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces
(ICFSI 2017), Hannover, July 5, 2017 - “The sublime utility of useless Science”
P.M. Echenique
«Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces» Colloquium, Philipps Universität Marburg, July 6, 2017 - “La sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil”
P.M. Echenique
IV Congreso internacional “Derecho, filosofía, economía, sociología, psicología y educación en un mundo global. Paz y justicia para una convivencia cultural comunicativa”, Santo Domingo, November 7, 2017 - “Materia. Ciencia. Belleza”
P.M. Echenique
III Encuentro internacional sobre literatura y ciencia. Materia, vida y conciencia desde la ciencia y literatura, Donostia, October 23, 2017 - “Surface attophysics”
P.M. Echenique
31. Symposium on surface science 2018 (3S18), St.Christoph/Arlberg, Austria,
February 28, 2018 - “Surface attophysics”
P.M. Echenique
ImagineNano 2018, Bilbao, March 13, 2018 - “Surface attophysics”
P.M. Echenique
Colloquium IMDEA, Madrid, April 10, 2018