Inicio / 4.2. Conferencias invitadas en congresos internacionales, 1984

4.2. Conferencias invitadas en congresos internacionales, 1984

  1. «Dynamic screening and charge states of ions in solids»
    Conference on the Use of Accellerators in Industry
    Denton. Texas. U.S.A. Noviembre 1984
  2. «Capture and loss into bound and wake states of ions moving in an electron gas»
    U.S.A.-Japan Seminar on Physics with fast molecular Ion Beams
    Honolulu, Hawaii,U.S.A. 14 – 21 Diciembre, 1985
  3. «Image States at Metal Surfaces» («Keynote speaker»)
    Adriatico Research School: «Dynamical Screening and Spectroscopy of
    Trieste. Italy. 24 – 27 June. 1986
  4. «Interaction of Slow Ions with Bulk and Surfaces»
    «International Workshop on the interaction of slow ions with matter»
    Linz. Austria. 18 – 21 Septiembre
  5. Chairman de la sesión «Electrons at Surfaces» and invited speaker
    10th Werner Brandt Workshop
    Alicante. Spain (1987)
  6. Conferenciante invitado
    NATO Advanced Research Workshop on «RHEED and Reflection Electron Imaging of Surfaces»
    Veldhoven. The Netherlands, June 15-19 (1987)
  7. Conferenciante invitado
    «12th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids»
    Okayama Science University. Okayama, Japan (October 12 – 16, 1987)
  8. Conferenciante invitado
    «International Symposium on Dynamic Interactions of Charged Particles with Solids»
    Riken Wako-Shi Saitama, Japan. October 8-9, (1987)
  9. Invited speaker: «Interaction of Electrons with Surfaces»
    General Meeting of the APS (American Physical Society)
    New Orleans USA, 21-25 March 1988
  10. Invited speaker: Problems on «Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy STEM»
    11th International Werner Brandt workshop or particle penetration in solids
    Oak Ridge, TN (U.S.A.) 14-15th April (1988)
  11. Invited speaker: «Wake Riding Electrons in Protons and Antiprotons»
    International Symposium on Dynamic Particles-Condensed Matter Interactions
    Hakone, Kanagawa-Japan. 4-5 December 1988
  12. Invited speaker: «Interaction of Slow Ions with Matter»
    Sanibel Symposia 1989
    Sanibel Florida- U.S.A., 1-8 April 1989
  13. «Image Potential and Image States at Surfaces»
    3S-90 Symposium on Surface Science
    La Plagne France, 11-17 March 1990
  14. «Density Functional Theory of Stopping»
    NATO-ASI on Interaction of Charged Particles with Solids and Surfaces.
    Alicante (Spain) 6-20 May (1990)
  15. «Image Potential States»
    14th International Seminar on Surface Physics
    Wroclaw, Poland. May 21-26 (1990)
  16. «Interaction of STEM Electrons with Surfaces»
    Cuzco Sixth Latin American Symposium on Surface Physics
    Cuzco, Perú. 3-7 Septiembre (1990)
  17. «Image Potential Effects for Slow and High Energy Electrons»
    11th European Conference on Surface Science
    Salamanca, Spain. October 1-4 (1990)
  18. «Stopping Power of Slow Ions in Matter»
    Eleventh International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in
    Research and Industry
    Denton – Texas, U.S.A.. 5-8 November (1990)
  19. «The Image Potential in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy»
    The 13th W. Brandt Conference on Charged Particle Penetration Phenomena
    NARA, Japan. 13-16 November (1990)
  20. «Phase Effect in Stopping Power»
    The 14th W. Brandt Conference
    Oak Ridge (USA) 30 April – 1 May (1992)
  21. «International workshop on Energy Transfer in interactions with surfaces and adsorbates»
    Trieste, Italy 31 August-11September 1992
  22. «Image States: Idea and Theoretical Development»
    16th International Seminar on Surface Physics
    Kudowa (Poland) 5- 10 October (1992)
  23. Bariloche (Argentina) – November (1992)
  24. «Energy Loss of Moving Ions in Condensed Matter»
    European Conference
    Regensburg (Germany) (1993)
  25. «Valence Loss Spectra in STEM»
    VIth Symposium on Surface Physics
    Chlum (Czech Republic) 24-28 May (1993)
  26. «Charge States and Energy Loss of Ions in Solids»
    Research School on Electronic Energy Loss of Ions in Matter
    Gmunden, Austria. 12-16 July (1993)
  27. «Interaction of Ions and Electrons with Bulk and Surfaces»
    14th General Conference on Condensed Matter. European Physical Society
    Madrid, Spain. March 28-31 (1994)
  28. «Dynamic Screening and Energy Loss of Ions in Solids»
    2nd International Conference on Computer simulation of Radiation Effects in
    Solids, COSIRES 94
    Santa Barbara, California, July 25-29 (1994)
  29. «Valence Electron Energy Loss in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy»
    European Research Conference. Electronic Structure of Solids
    Gansdal, Norway 27 August-1 September (1994)
  30. «Dynamic Screening of Ions in Solids»
    International Symposium
    Oak Ridge, TN (USA). 22-24 October (1994)
  31. «Low Energy Losses in STEM»
    Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference
    Warwick (UK), 19-21 December 1994
  32. «Screening of Charges at Bulk and Surfaces in Theoretical Overview»
    HCI Meeting
    Kitzbühl (Austria), 27-30 January 1995
  33. «Valence Loss of STEM Electrons» (Plennary Talk)
    Symposium on Surface Science 3S’95
    Salzburg (Austria), April 23-29 (1995)
  34. «Electronic Stopping of Slow Ions in Solids» (Plennary Talk)
    9th International Conference on Surface Modification of Metals by Ion Beams
    Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain- September 4-8 (1995)
  35. «Non Linear Auger Rates of Highly Charged Ions in Metals»
    Werner Brandt International Conference
    Oak Ridge, TN (USA), 8-9 January 1996
  36. «Surface Image Electronic States»
    Workshop on Electronic Structure: Prediction and Applications
    Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain, 26-27 January 1996.
  37. «L-Auger Filling Rates of Highly Charged Ions in Metals»
    Workshop on «Ions Surface Interaction»
    Les Houches, France, 12-16 March 1996
  38. «Energy Loss of Slow Ions in Solids»
    International meeting on Topics in Theoretical solid state physics
    Namur, Belgium, 14-18 January 1997
  39. «Life Time of Electrons above the Fermi Level»
    International Conference in Femtosecond Chemistry
    Ascona , Switzerland, 2-5 March 1997
  40. «Surface Electrons»
    Symposium on Surface Science
    Osnabrück (Germany). March 7, 1997
  41. «Pérdidas de Energía en el Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido» (Charla
    Sociedad de Microscopía Española
    Toledo, Spain, 15-18 April 1997
  42. «Image States: Concept and Development»
    Symposium on dynamics of image potential states on metal surfaces
    Garching. München, Germany, 20-21 October 1997
  43. «Lifetimes of Excited States at Surfaces» (Plennary talk)
    International Symposium on Surface Science 3S-98
    Park City. Utah (USA), March 29- April 4, 1998
  44. «Lifetimes of Image States at Metal Surfaces»
    Workshop on Computational Chemistry
    Miraflores de la Sierra , Madrid, Spain. June 18-20, 1998.
  45. «Apantallamiento Dinámico de Iones en Sólidos» (Charla Plenaria)
    Congreso de la AFA
    La Plata (Argentina), 21-25 Sept. 1998
  46. «Lifetimes of Electrons Near the Fermi Surface»
    Ringberg Symposium on Ultrafast Surface Dynamics.
    Rottach-Egern (Germany). March 28-April 1, 1999
  47. «Lifetime of electrons near the Fermi Level»
    The 19th Werner Brandt Conference
    Bariloche (Argentina). April 13-16, 1999
  48. «Dinámica de Electrones en Superficies Metálicas»
    XXVII Reunión Bienal de la RSEF
    Valencia (Spain), Septiembre 20-24, 1999
  49. «Inelastic lifetimes of surface states in metals»
    12th Symposium on Surface Science
    Alberta, Canadá, Marzo 14-19,2000
  50. «Inelastic lifetimes of surface states in metals». After dinner speech.
    SSS Conference
    Alberta, Canadá, Marzo 14-19 2000
  51. «Self-energy and inelastic lifetimes of surface states in metals»
    German Physical Society
    Regensbourg, Germany, 30 Marzo 2000
  52. “Lifetimes of Electrons Near the Fermi Level”
    International Conference on Electron Dynamics at Surfaces Triestre. Italy.
    11- 14 Junio 2000
  53. «Lifetimes of surface states in metals»
    20th International Seminar on Surface Physics
    KudowaZdrój (Poland), June 19-24 (2000)
  54. “Lifetimes of image states at surfaces”
    ICACS – 19.
    Paris (France), 29 July – 3 August (2001)
  55. “Nonlinear screening in two dimensional electron gases”
    21st Werner Brandt workshop on penetration phenomena
    (Atoms and Molecules at surfaces)
    Donostia – San Sebastián (Spain), 17 – 18 September (2001)
  56. “Electron Dynamics in 2D and 3D metals”
    School on Dynamik von Elektronentransferprozessen an Greensflächen”
    Bonn, Alemania. 7-8 February 2001
  57. “Lifetimes of surface and image state”
    Trends in Nanotecnology TNT 2001
    Segovia, Spain, September 3, (2001)
  58. “Electron dynamics in 2 and 3 dimensional metals”
    OSA Annual meeting 2001 and 17 th Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference
    Long Beach, California, USA, October14-18 (2001)
  59. “La Sociedad del Conocimiento”
    Congreso Internacional de Estudios Vascos. Eusko Ikaskuntza.
    San Sebastián, Spain, 28-30 November (2001)
  60. “Lifetimes of electrons and holes at surfaces”
    International workshop. Total Energy Methods in Computational Condensed
    La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. January 10-12 (2002)
  61. “Electron dynamics of bulk and surface states”
    International Research Conference on Surface Photoprocesses
    Les Houches, France. January 14-18 (2002)
  62. “Lifetimes of electrons and holes at surfaces”
    International Symposioum on New Trends on femtosecond lager spectroscopy in
    Chemistry Physics and Neurobiology.
    Madrid, Spain. 12-13 February (2002)
  63. “Lifetime of electrons and holes at surfaces”
    Werner Brandt Workshop
    Namur, Belgium. 27-29 June (2002)
  64. “Electrón Dynamics at surfaces”
    TNT Conference.
    Santiago de Compostela. Spain. 11-13 September (2002)
  65. “Low energy collective electronic excitations at metal surfaces”
    Symposium on Surface Science 2003.
    La Plagne, France, 30 March-5 April (2003)
  66. “Theory of surface Science”
    The future of surface science, Garching, Munich, Germany 28 April (2003)
  67. “Screening and dimensionality on electron dynamics at bulk and surfaces”
    23rd W. Brandt Workshop- Electronic Excitations of Solids.
    Playa del Carmen, Q.Roo, Mexico, June 4-6, (2003)
  68. “Low-energy collective electronic excitations at metal surfaces”
    39th IUVSTA
    Telluride, Denver, USA. 23-27 June (2003)
  69. “Acoustic plasmons at metal surfaces”
    V Donostia Encounter on Particle Solid Interactions
    Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, 8-13 September (2003)
  70. “Low energy collective electronic excitations at metal surfaces. Surface Plasmons Photonics”
    Euroconference on Nano-optics.
    Granada, Spain, 20-25 September (2003)
  71. “Hole and electron dynamics at surfaces”
    International Symposium. Low-dimensional materials. Present and future
    Madrid, 29-30 April (2004)
  72. “Screening and quasiparticles dynamics at solid and surface”
    Workshop Kieler Woche.
    Kiel, Germany 22-26 June (2004)
  73. “Electronic excitations in solids”
    COSIRES Conference
    Hellsinky, Finland 26 June-1 July (2004)
  74. “Many body theory of electronic lifetimes at surfaces”
    European Graduate College Eelctron-Electron Interactions in Solids. Philipps
    Universität Marburg
    Marburg, Germany, 1-3 July 2004
  75. “Electron and hole dynamics at bulk and surfaces”
    Presented by J. Gervasoni
    ESS’04 IUVSTA Workshop on electron scattering in solids
    Debrecen, Hungary, 4-8 July (2004)
  76. “Attosecond screening”
    Werner Brandt Workshop
    Berlin, Germany 11-14 July (2004)
  77. “Lifetime of electrons and holes at surfaces”
    Encuentro de Física Fundamental. Homenaje a A. Galindo.
    Madrid, Spain, 26 November (2004)
  78. “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
    Physik seit Einstein Workshop.
    German Physical Society Meeting
    Berlin, Germany, 3-5 March (2005)
  79. “Dinámica de electrones en superficies”
    Disertaciones sobre Física Contemporánea
    Año Mundial de la Física.
    Universidad Autónoma de México., México, April (2005)
  80. “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
    Werner Brandt Workshop.
    Gainsville, Florida, USA. 9-15 April (2005)
  81. “Theory of electron dynamics at surfaces”
    Workshop on ultrafast time resolved soft x-ray science.
    Zeuthen, Germany. 27-29 April (2005)
  82. “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
    TNT Workshop.
    Oviedo, Spain, 2-3 September (2005)
  83. “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
    Bienal de la RSEF. Plenary speech.
    Ourense, Galicia. 12 September (2005)
  84. “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
    IV Rencontré Franco-Espagnole sur la Chimie et la Physique de L’Etat Solid.
    Bilbao, Spain, 4-8 April (2006)
  85. “Size-dependent effects in the electron dynamics of metallic clusters”
    26th Brandt Ritchie Workshop
    Paris, 16-18 July (2006)
  86. “Dynamic screening and energy loss of ions and electrons in an electron gas”
    ICACS 2006, 22nd International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids
    Berlin, 21st to 26th July (2006)
  87. “Dynamics of electrons and holes in bulk metals and at surfaces”
    ECOSS 24
    Paris, 4-8th September (2006)
  88. “Dynamic screening and electron dynamics at surfaces”
    IISC 16, International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions.
    Austria, 17-22 September (2006)
  89. “Electron and hole dynamics in bulk metals and at surfaces”
    15th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics
    Berlin, 29th July- 3rd August (2007)
  90. “A novel low energy electronic collective excitation at metal surfaces”
    Trends in Nanotechnology (TNT 2007)
    San Sebastian, 3-7th September (2007)
  91. “Lo útil de conocer. El gran reto de lo pequeño”
    X Congreso Nacional de Materiales
    Universidad de Mondragón
    Kursaal, Donostia-San Sebastián
    San Sebastián, June 18, (2008)
  92. “Electron Dynamics at Surface”
    Prof. Sir John B. Pendry Fest
    London, September 29, (2008)
  93. “Electron Dynamis at Surfaces”
    Prof. R.M. Nieminen Fest
    Helsinki, October 3, (2008)
  94. “Electron dynamics at surfaces”
    P.M. Echenique, E.V. Chulkov, A. Kazansky, D. Sanchez-Portal and V.M. Silkin
    The Brandt Ritchie Symposium
    Madrid, Spain, May 25-27, (2009)
  95. “Acoustic surface plasmon on a metal surface with adlayers”
    P.M. Echenique
    TNT 2009. Trends in Nanotechnology, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-11, 2009
  96. “Acoustic surface plasmon at surfaces and nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    International Conference on Nanostructures at surfaces, Ascona, Switzerland,
    September 20-25, 2009
  97. “A new collective electronic excitation at surfaces”
    P.M. Echenique
    Symposium in honor of Prof. Dr. Dietrich Menzel´s 75th birthday, Max Planck
    Institute for Plasmaphysics (IPP), Campus Garching, Germany, April 20, 2010
  98. “Condensed matter effects in attosecond physics”
    P.M. Echenique
    75th Annual Meeting of the DPG, Dresden, Germany, March 13-18, 2011
  99. “Electron Dynamics at Surfaces and Nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    International workshop on “Elementary Processes in Solids and at Interfaces:
    Carrier, Lattices and Molecular Dynamics, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein,
    Germany, May29-June 1, 2011
  100. “Electron dynamics at Surfaces and Nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    11th Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics (IBER2011),
    Coimbra, Portugal, June 20-22, 2011
  101. “Electron dynamics at Surfaces and Nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    PCAM Summer School 2011: Electronic and Optical Properties of Nanoscale
    Materials, July 4-7, 2011, Donostia – San Sebastian
  102. “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    100th anniversary of Kaiser Wilhelm Institue for Physical Chemistry and
    Electrochemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin,
    October 26-28, 2011
  103. “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    “Advances in atomic collisions and particle-surface interactions”, Workshop in honor of Victor Hugo Ponce, Centro Atómico Bariloche, Argentina, November
    7-8, 2011
  104. “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    Colloquium Munich, January 8-10, 2012
  105. “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    “A passion for science”, Colloquium in honour of the members of the Royal Belgian Academy for Sciences, Letters and Arts, January 19-22, 2012
  106. “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures»
    P.M. Echenique
    Conferencia Plenaria, NanoSpain 2012, Santander, February 28, 2012
  107. «Ciencia, economía, cultura: la sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil»
    P.M. Echenique
    Centenario Universidad Interamericana Puerto Rico. 11 de septiembre de 2012
  108. “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    Train2 international Conference, Barcelona, 22 de noviembre de 2012
  109. “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    International Workshop on Short-time Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Systems and Novel Superconductors, Bochum, Germany, February 18-21, 2013
  110. “Dinámica de electrones en superficies y nanoestructuras”
    P.M. Echenique
    Jornada científica con ocasión del 70º cumpleaños de Juan Rojo. Universidad
    Complutense de Madrid, 8 de abril de 2013
  111. “Interfaces between science and society, particles and light”
    P.M. Echenique
    Seminar: Transactions in science and society. The Royal Society, London, April
    24, 2013
  112. “Electron dynamics at surfaces, nanostructures, grapheme and topological insulators”
    P.M. Echenique
    Plenary talk. TNT 2013 (Trends in NanoTechnology), Sevilla, September 9-13,
  113. “Ciencia. Crisis. Futuro”
    P.M. Echenique
    IV Congreso Internacional. Reflexiones para la transformación de la sociedad,
    Guatemala, October 22, 2013
  114. “Ciencia. Crisis. Futuro”
    P.M. Echenique
    Congreso “Ciência, economia e crise”
    Fundaçao Francisco Manuel do Santos, Oporto, November 22, 2013
  115. “Dinámica de electrones en superficies y nanoestructuras”
    P.M. Echenique
    Conmemoración del centenario del modelo atómico de Niels Bohr. En recuerdo del Excmo. Sr. D. Carlos Sánchez del Río y Sierra
    Academia de Ciencias de Madrid, November 27, 2013
  116. “Electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures”
    P.M. Echenique
    Institut de physique et chimie des matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), May 5, 2014
  117. ”Electron dynamics at surfaces”
    P.M. Echenique
    Symposium in honor of Jean-Pierre Gauyacq. Atomic and Molecular Physics at
    Surfaces: dynamics of inelastic processes. Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, November 18, 2014
  118. “La sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil. Cooperación internacional: el camino”
    P.M. Echenique
    I Simposio Euro-Regional. Universidad de Burdeos, November 19, 2014
  119. “Attophysics in Condensed Matter”
    P.M. Echenique
    Workshop “The Future of Ultrafast Surface Dynamics” on the occasion of the
    60th birthday of Thomas Fauster, Erlangen, April 17-18, 2015
  120. “Laudatio for Prof. Helmut Winter”
    P.M. Echenique
    21st International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-21), Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Donostia, October 18-23, 2015
  121. ”Attofísica de superficies”
    P.M. Echenique
    Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Manuel Cardona, Real Academia de Ciencias, Madrid, february 10, 2016
  122. “Surface attophysics”
    P.M. Echenique
    MANA International Symposium 2016, Japan, March 9, 2016
  123. “Surface attophysics”
    P.M. Echenique
    NanoSpain Conference 2016, Logroño, March 15, 2016
  124. “Surface attophysics”
    P.M. Echenique
    Helsinki Colloquium, P.M. Echenique Honoris Causa by the University of Aalto,
    Helsinki, October 6, 2016
  125. “La sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil”
    P.M. Echenique
    VI Congreso ScienceIES, Sevilla, April 18, 2017
  126. “Ciencia. Cultura. Progreso”
    P.M. Echenique
    Divulgación y cultura científica: diálogo universidad-sociedad, UIMP,
    Santander, June 26, 2017
  127. “Surface attophysics”
    P.M. Echenique
    16th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces
    (ICFSI 2017), Hannover, July 5, 2017
  128. “The sublime utility of useless Science”
    P.M. Echenique
    «Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces» Colloquium, Philipps Universität Marburg, July 6, 2017
  129. “La sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil”
    P.M. Echenique
    IV Congreso internacional “Derecho, filosofía, economía, sociología, psicología y educación en un mundo global. Paz y justicia para una convivencia cultural comunicativa”, Santo Domingo, November 7, 2017
  130. “Materia. Ciencia. Belleza”
    P.M. Echenique
    III Encuentro internacional sobre literatura y ciencia. Materia, vida y conciencia desde la ciencia y literatura, Donostia, October 23, 2017
  131. “Surface attophysics”
    P.M. Echenique
    31. Symposium on surface science 2018 (3S18), St.Christoph/Arlberg, Austria,
    February 28, 2018
  132. “Surface attophysics”
    P.M. Echenique
    ImagineNano 2018, Bilbao, March 13, 2018
  133. “Surface attophysics”
    P.M. Echenique
    Colloquium IMDEA, Madrid, April 10, 2018