Inicio / 4.1. Dirección de cursos y congresos internacionales

4.1. Dirección de cursos y congresos internacionales

  • Director del Curso de Verano de la UPV/EHU «Electrones en Sólidos. Interacción de Cargas y Radiación con la Materia». San Sebastián (Euskadi) 6-10 Julio 1987
  • Member of the Coordinating Committee of the European Network in Surface Crystallography (S. Anderson, R. Baudoing, P.M. Echenique, G. Ertl, M. Ibach, DA. King, K. Müller, J.B. Pendry, G. Rovida, I. Stensgaard, DJF Van der Veen)
  • Director del Curso de Verano (también curso anual del GEFES): «Espectroscopías de Sólidos y Superficies». San Sebastián (Euskadi) – 29 de Agosto – 2 Septiembre 1988
  • Chairman of «The 12th Werner Brandt Workshop on Penetration Phenomena of Charged Particles in Matter». San Sebastian 4-7 Septiembre 1989
  • Comité Asesor Internacional del Sexto Simposio Latino-Americano de Física de Superficies. Cuzco – Perú 3-7 Septiembre 1990
  • International Adivisory Committee of the International Werner-Brandt Conferences on the Interaction of Charged Particles with Matter
  • Comité Asesor Internacional del VII-Simposio Latino Americano de Física de Superficies. Argentina 1992
  • International Advisory Committee of the Third International Conference on Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media (ETOPMIN 3) Guanajuato -Mexico 9-13 Agosto 1993
  • Chairman of Euroconference «Particle-Solid Interaction: Electronic Excitations in Bulk and Surfaces». San Sebastian, Euskadi 1-6 Octubre 1994
  • Organizing Committee, «International Symposium Interaction of Charged Particles and Radiation with Matter». Oak Ridge, TN, E.E.U.U., 23-26 Octubre 1994
  • Director of EuroConferences Series: Donostia Encounters on Particle Solid Interaction. San Sebastián, Euskadi, 23-28 Septiembre 1997
  • International Scientific Committee of the International Ontology Congress. San Sebastián, Spain, 1-5 Octubre 1998
  • International Scientific Committee of the Werner Brandt International Conference. Bariloche, Argentina, 11-18 Abril 1999
  • International Scientific Committee of the «VI Reunión Nacional de Materiales». San Sebastián, Spain, 22-24 Junio 1999
  • Director, “European Research Conferences, Particle-Solid Interaction”. Donostia / San Sebastián, Spain, 28 Septiembre-3 Octubre, 1999.
  • Chairman, “International Workshop on Image States and Electron Lifetimes in Solids”. San Sebastián, Spain, 25-27 Junio, 2000.
  • “Lifetimes of Surface States in Metals”, 20Th International Seminar on Surface Physics. KudowaZdrój (Polonia), 19- 24 Junio 2000
  • Junto con D. J. Antonio Ortega y Díaz Ambrona co-director del Curso de Verano: “El legado del siglo XX: materia, vida y sociedad”. 28 agosto, 2000.
  • Consejo Asesor del Congreso Internacional “La Ciencia y la Tecnología ante el Tercer Milenio. Sociedad Estatal España Nuevo Milenio. Madrid (Spain) 14-17 Noviembre 2000.
  • Comité Científico- Técnico, “La Sociedad de la Información en el País Vasco”. Bilbao, 24-27 de Abril 2001.
  • Chairman “Curso de Verano UPV/EHU”. International Workshop of “Ultrafast Surface Dynamics”, Donostia – San Sebastián (Spain), 7 – 11 de Julio de
    2001.También Curso de Verano de la UPV/EHU.
  • International Advisory Board, “ European Conference on Surface Science” ECOSS20. Krakow (Poland). 4-7 Septiembre 2001.
  • Director “Curso de Verano UPV/EHU”. “European Research Conference on the deposition of atoms, Ions and Cluster at Surfaces”. Donostia- San Sebastián (Spain), 11 – 16 Septiembre 2001.
  • International Scientific Committee, “22nd Werner Brandt Workshop, FUNDP”. Namur (Belgium), 27-29 June 2002
  • Co-Director del Curso de Verano UPV/EHU: “Towards atomic scale -and timeresolution at interfaces”, Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain) 1-4 Julio 2002.
  • Miembro del Comité Científico del TNT Conference, La Coruña (Spain). 11-13 septiembre 2002.
  • Miembro del Comité Científico del VII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, Madrid (Spain) Octubre de 2002.
  • Presidente Comité Científico del Simposio Euskadi en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Bilbao, 12-14 Junio 2003.
  • Co-Director Curso de Verano UPV/EHU, DIPC-International Workshop on Optical properties of complex materials over different length scales. Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. 7-11 July 2003.
  • Co-Director Curso de Verano UPV/EHU, V Donostia Encounter on Particle Solid Interactions. “Modifications following different interaction processes at surfaces”. Donostia-San Sebastian, 8-13 September (2003)
  • Organising committee of 1st Nanospain Workshop, Donostia-San Sebastián, 9-12 March (2004)
  • Co-Director Curso de Verano UPV/EHU, “Molecule-surface interactions: elementary reactive processes”, Donostia / San Sebastián, September 7 – 11, 2004.
  • Co-Chairman of the “Albert Einstein Annus Mirabilis 2005”, Donostia-San Sebastián, September 5-8, 2005.
  • International Advisory Board, ECOSS 23, European Conference on Surface Science, Berlin, September 4-9, 2005.
  • Organising Committee, 2nd Nanospain Workshop, Barcelona, March 14-17, 2005
  • Organising Committee, Curso Verano UPV/EHU, Summer School on metamaterials for microwaves and optical technologies, Donostia-San Sebastián, July 18-20 (2005).
  • Organising Committee, TNT2005, Oviedo, Spain, August 29-September 2, 2005.
  • Organising Committee, International Workshop, “Recent advances on the dynamics of atomic and molecular particles interacting with gas and solid targets”. DonostiaSan Sebastián, Spain, October 24-26, 2005.
  • Chairman of the “Dynamics of electron transfer processes at surfaces” symposium at
    the Condensed Matter joint meeting or the Deutsche Physikalishce Gessellschaft and
    the European Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, 27-31 March, 2006.
  • International Steering Committee. 5th Symposium on Ultrafast Surface Dynamics”, 21-25 May 2006. Hokkaido (Japan).
  • Organising Committe, TNT 2006, Grenoble, France, 4-8 September 2006.
  • Organising Committee “Nano2006”. Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU, DonostiaSan Sebastián, 4-6
    th September 2006.
  • International Advisory Committee, 20th Symposium on Surface Science 3S07, Les Arcs, France, March 11-17, 2007.
  • Scientific Committee of the International Conference Elementary Reactive processes at surfaces, ERPS 2007, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, August 30-Septeber 1, 2007.
  • Organising Committee, TNT 2007, Trends in Nanotechnology, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, 3-7 September, 2007.
  • 6th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and devices 07, ALG´07, Kanazawa, Ihikawa, Japan, October 28- November 2, 2007.
  • Steering Committee, USD 6 Ultrafast Surface Dynamics 6, Kloster Banz, Germany, 20-25 July, 2008.
  • Co-chairman of the Symposium Electronic Structure and Quantum Effects of Twodimensional Systems. ECOSS 25, Liverpool, England, July 27- August 1, 2008.
  • Co-chairman of the International Workshop UltraFast 2008, “Electron dynamics and electron mediated phenomena at surfaces: femto-chemistry and atto-physics”. San Sebastián, Spain, May 7-9, 2008.
  • Co-chairman (with Jesús Ugalde) of the International Workshop (Curso de Verano de la UPV/EHU), “The role of scientific academies in modern societies”, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, August 29, 2008.
  • Chairman of the Symposium: “New Frontier of Magnetism”. Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, September 22, 2008.
  • Organising Committee of the “28th Brandt Ritchie Workshop: Practicle penetration Phenomena and Excitation of Solids”. Madrid, Spain, May 24-27, 2009.
  • Organising Committee, “Trends in Nanotechnology Conference International Conference TNT 2009, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-11, 2009
  • International Committee, “Attosecond Physics” Atto-09, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, July 28-August 1, 2009
  • International Advisory Board, “European Conference on Surface Science” ECCOSS 2009, Parma, Italy, August 30- September 4, 2009
  • Co-Director del Curso de Verano UPV/EHU: Workshop on “Bio-Inspired Photonic Structures”. Photonic Science and Ingineering in the living and artificial worlds, Donostia, San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain, July 9-15, 2009
  • Co-director of the “Workshop on Inorganic Nanotubes. Experiment and Theory”, DIPC, San Sebastian, September 4-7, 2009
  • Co-chairman of the Workshop “Nano2009: Perspectives in nanoscience and nanotechnology”, Donostia- San Sebastián, Spain, September 28-30, 2009
  • Co-chairman of the Conference “Atom by Atom”, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, September 28-30, 2009
  • Organizing Committee, Curso de Verano “Computational Materials Science”, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, June 28- July 3, 2010
  • International Steering Committee, “Ultrafast Surface Dynamics” USD 2010, Croacia, August 22-26, 2010
  • Organizing Committee, “Passion for Knowledge”, Donostia-San Sebastián, September 27- October 1, 2010
  • Chairman of the “Symposium on Surface Science 2011 (3S´11)”, Baqueira Beret, LLeida, Spain, March 6-12, 2011
  • Honorary Committee, “Passion for light”, Joint EPS-SIF International workshop, Varenna, Lake Como Italy, September 16, 2011
  • Advisory Board, “International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (icsfs16), Genoa, Italy, July 1-6, 2012
  • International Committee, “Atto2013”, Paris, July 8-12, 2013
  • Organising Committee, TNT 2013 (Trends in Nanotechnology), Sevilla, September 9-13, 2013
  • Organising Committee, NanoSpain Conference 2016, Logroño, March 15, 2016
  • Presidente de Honor, “Physis Kai Polis. XII international ontology congress”, San Sebastian, October 3-7/ Barcelona October 10-11 2016
  • Member of the Scientific Committee, “IV Congreso internacional “Derecho, filosofía, economía, sociología, psicología y educación en un mundo global. Paz y justicia para una convivencia cultural comunicativa””, Santo Domingo, November 7-10, 2017
  • Organising Committee, ImagineNano 2018, Bilbao, March13-15, 2018
  • Co-director of the “Encuentro: Poder económico y poder científico”, UIMP, Santander, June 27-29, 2018
  • Organising Committee & International Scientific Committee, “Symposium on surface science 2019” (3S19), Baqueira Beret, Spain, March 10-16, 2019
  • Promotor del Curso “La ciencia y el sector empresarial”, Madrid, June 17-19, 2019