Inicio / 2.1. Publicaciones en revistas internacionales

2.1. Publicaciones en revistas internacionales

  1. PM Echenique and JB Pendry
    «Absorption Profile Surfaces»
    Journal of Physics C: Solid State Phys., Vol. 8, 2936-2942 (1975)
  2. PM Echenique and JB Pendry
    «Reflectivity of Liquid 4He Surfaces to 4He Atoms»
    Physical Review Letters, Vol. 37, No. 9, 561-563 (1976)
  3. PM Echenique and JB Pendry
    «Scattering of 4He Atoms from the Surface of Liquid 4He at 30 mK»
    Journal of Physics C: Solid State Phys., Vol. 9, 3183-3191 (1976)
  4. PM Echenique
    «Role of the potential in LEED; application to the Na(110) surface»
    Journal of Physics C: Solid State Phys., Vol. 9, 3193-3204 (1976)
  5. RH Ritchie, Werner Brandt and PM Echenique
    «Wake Potential of Swift Ions in Solids»
    Physical Review B, Vol. 14, No. 11, 4808-4812 (1976)
  6. S Andersson, JB Pendry and PM Echenique»Low energy electron diffraction from Na(110) and Na2(111) surfaces»
    Surface Science, Vol. 65, No. 2, 539-551, (1977)
  7. PM Echenique and DJ Titterington
    «An investigation of the influence of the potential in LEED structural determination»
    Journal of Physics C: Soolid State Phys., Vol. 10, 625-634 (1977)
  8. F Soria, JL Sacedon, PM Echenique and D Titterington
    «Leed study of the epitaxial growth of the thin film Au(111)/Ag(111) system»
    Surface Science 68, 448-456 (1977)
  9. PM Echenique and JB Pendry
    «The existence and detection of Rydberg states at surfaces»
    Journal of Physics C: Solid State Phys., Vol. 11, 2065-2075 (1978)
  10. TL Ferrell, PM Echenique and RH Ritchie
    «Friction parameter of an ion near a metal surface»
    Solid State Communications, Vol. 32, 419-422 (1979)
  11. M.A. Van Hove and P.M. Echenique
    «On Layer Spacing Relaxations at Surfaces of Ionic Crystals»
    Surface Science 82, L 298 (1979)
  12. N. Barberan, P.M. Echenique and J. Viñas
    «Image Force for a Particle Moving Near a Solid Surfac»
    Journal of Physics C: 12, L 111 (1979)
  13. R.H. Ritchie, P.M. Echenique, W. Brandt and G. Basbas
    «Plasmons, Wakes and Clusters»
    IEEE Transactions on Nucl. Sci. NS-26, No. 1, 1001 (1979)
  14. P.M. Echenique, R.H. Ritchie and Werner Brandt
    «Spatial Excitation Patterns Induced by Swift Ions in Condensed Matter»
    Physical Review B 20, 2567 (1979)
  15. N. Barberán and P.M. Echenique
    «Comment on the Plasmon Model for Image Potential Induced Surface States»
    Physical Review B 19, 5431 (1979)
  16. P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Ioi Lasterren Wake Potentziala Egoera Solidoan»
    Elhuyar 17, 1 (1979)
  17. M. A.Van Hove and P.M. Echenique
    «On Layer Spacing Relaxations at Surfaces of Ionic Crystals»
    Surface Science V 88, L11 (1979)
  18. J. Tejada, P.M. Echenique, O.H. Crawford and R.H. Ritchie
    «Wake Shifts in Electron States on Swift Ions Passing through Solids»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods 170, 249 (1980)
  19. P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Wake Binding Energies in the Random-Phase Approximation»
    Physical Review B 21, 5854 (2023)
  20. R.Núñez, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «The Energy Loss of Energetic Ions Moving near a Solid Surface»
    Journal of Physics C 13, 4229 (1980)
  21. P.M. Echenique, J. Viñas, A. Howie and R.H. Ritchie
    «Potential Screening Effects from Support Films in Electron Microscopy»
    Journal of Physics D 13, L 115 (1980)
  22. P.M. Echenique, R.M. Nieminen and R. H. Ritchie
    «Density Functional Calculation of Stopping Power of an Electron Gas for Slow Ions»
    Solid State Communications 37, 779 (1981)
  23. P.M. Echenique, R.H. Ritchie, N. Barberan and J.C. Inkson
    «Semiclassical Image Potential at a Solid Surface»
    Physical Review B 23, 6486 (1981)
  24. R.H. Ritchie and P.M. Echenique
    «Quantum Theory of the Charged Particle Wake»
    Ann., Israel Phys. Society 4, 245 (1981)
  25. F. Guinea, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Charge States for Protons Moving in an Electron Gas»
    Physical Review Letters 47, 604 (1981)
  26. J.C. Ashley, R.H. Ritchie and P.M. Echenique
    «Spatial Dispersion Effects in the Interaction between Metal Surfaces»
    Solid State Communications 40, 599 (1981)
  27. R.H. Ritchie and P.M. Echenique
    «The Wake of Charged Particles in Condensed Matter»
    Philosophical Magazine A 45, 347 (1982)
  28. P.M. Echenique, J.C. Ashley and R.H. Ritchie
    «Coherent States and the Interaction of Swift Ions with Condensed Matter»
    European Journal of Physics 3, 25 (1982)
  29. F. Guinea, F.Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Charge States for H and He Moving in an Electron Gas»
    Physical Review B 25, 6109 (1982)
  30. A. Mazarro, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Charged Particle Wake in the Random-Phase Approximation»
    Physical Review B 27, 4117 (1983)
  31. Del Moral, A., P.M. Echenique and J.A. Corrales
    «Effects of Screening on Crystal Field Magnetoelastic Coupling in Rare Earth Intermetallic Compounds»
    Journal of Physics C 16, 4637 (1983)
  32. P.M. Echenique and A. Howie
    «Image Force Effects in Electron Microscopy»
    Ultramicroscopy 16, 269 (1985)
  33. J.C. Ashley and P.M. Echenique
    «Influence of Damping in an Electron Gas on Wake Binding Energies»
    Physical Review B 31, 4655 (1985)
  34. P.M. Echenique
    «Dispersion Effects in the Excitation of Interfaces by Fast-Electron Beams»
    Philosophical Magazine B 52, L 9 (1985)
  35. R.H. Milne and P.M. Echenique
    «The Probability of MgO Surface Excitation with Fast Electrons»
    Solid State Communications 55, 909 (1985)
  36. P.M. Echenique
    «Image-Potential Induced States, Binding Energies and Life Times»
    Journal of Physics C 18, L 1133 (1985)
  37. T.L. Ferrell and P.M. Echenique
    «Generation of Surface Excitations on Dielectric Spheres by an External Electron Beam»
    Physical Review Letters 55, 1526 (1985)
  38. P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie»Wake States of Fast Protons Moving in an Electron Gas»
    Physics Letters A 111 A, 310 (1985)
  39. P.M. Echenique, F. Flores and F. Sols
    «Lifetime of Image Surface States»
    Physical Review Letters 55, 2348 (1985)
  40. P.M. Echenique, W. Brandt and R.H. Ritchie
    «Self-Consistent Wake Binding Energies»
    Physical Review B 33, 43 (1986)
  41. P.M. Echenique, R.M. Nieminen, J.C. Ashley and R.H. Ritchie
    «Non Linear Stopping Power of an Electron Gas for Slow Ions»
    Physical Review A 33, 897 (1986)
  42. P.M. Echenique and J.B. Pendry
    «Electron-Hole Pair Contributions to the Effective Mass of Electrons at Surfaces»
    Surface Science 166, 69 (1986)
  43. J.C. Ashley, R.H. Ritchie, P.M. Echenique and R.N. Nieminen
    «Non-Linear Calculations of the Energy loss of Slow Ions in an Electron Gas»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B15, 11 (1986)
  44. J.B. Pendry, J.C. Larsson and P. M. Echenique
    «On the Effective Mass of Electrons at Surfaces»
    Surface Science 166, 57 (1986)
  45. J. Bausells and P.M. Echenique
    «Velocity Dependence of Binding Energies and Life Times of Image States at Surfaces»
    Physical Review B 33, 1471 (1986)
  46. N.Barberan and P.M. Echenique
    «Effective Charge of Slow Ions in Solids»
    Journal of Physics B 19, L 81 (1986)
  47. F.Flores, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Energy Dissipation Processes in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy»
    Physical Review B 34, 2899 (1986)
  48. P.M. Echenique and J.B. Pendry
    «Plasmon Effects on Image States at Metal Surfaces»
    Journal of Physics C 19, 5437 (1986)
  49. A. Gras-Marti, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Surface Contribution to the Energy Loss of Slow Ions»
    Surface Science 173, 310 (1986)
  50. J.C. Ashley, A. Gras-Marti and P.M. Echenique
    «Non-Linear Energy-Loss Straggling of Slow Ions in Solids»
    Physical Review A 34, 2495 (1986)
  51. M. Ortuño and P.M. Echenique
    «Phase Shifts, Image Planes, and Surface States at Metal Surfaces»
    Physical Review B 34, 5199 (1986)
  52. J. Bausells, P.M. Echenique and F. Flores
    «Effective Masses and Lifetimes of Image States at Metal Surfaces»
    Surface Science 178, 268 (1986)
  53. J.F. Annett and P.M. Echenique
    «The Van der Waals Interaction between an Atom and a Surface at Finite Separations»
    Physical Review B 34, 6853 (1986)
  54. E. Louis, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Current Saturation Through Image Surface States in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy»
    Solid State Communications 59, 453 (1986)
  55. P.M. Echenique
    «Image States at Metal Surfaces»
    Lecture notes as «Keynote» invited speaker at the Adriatico Research Conference. Pag.1-85 June 1986. Trieste, Italy. (1986)
  56. J. Bausells and P.M. Echenique
    «Many Body Effects in the Binding Energy of Image States at Surfaces»
    Surface Science 182, 423 (1987)
  57. P. de Andrés, F. Flores, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «A Barrier Potential Calculation for Tunneling Electrons at a Metal-Metal Interface»
    Europhysics Letters 3, 101 (1987)
  58. P.M. Echenique, A. Gras-Martí, D. Manson and R.H. Ritchie
    «Image Potential for a Tunneling Electron»
    Physical Review B 35, 7357 (1987)
  59. P.M. Echenique, A. Howie and D.J. Wheatley
    «Excitation of Dielectric Spheres by External Electron Beams»
    Philosophical Magazine B 56, 335 (1987)
  60. P.M. Echenique, J. Bausells and A. Rivacoba
    «Energy Loss Probability in Electron Microscopy»
    Phys. Rev. B 35, 1521 (1987)
  61. J.C. Ashley and P.M. Echenique
    «Influence of Damping in an Electron Gas on Vicinage Effects in Ion-Cluster Energy Loss»
    Phys. Rev. B 35, 8701 (1987)
  62. P.M. Echenique
    «Phase Shifts and Bound States in One-Dimensional Problems»
    American Journal of Phys., Vol. 55, Nº 3, pg. 278 (1987)
  63. P.M. Echenique and F. Flores
    «Inelastic Proton-Solid Collision»
    Physical Review B 35, 8249 (1987)
  64. A. Rivacoba and P.M. Echenique
    «Electrons Trapped in the Wake of a Negative Muon»
    Physical Review B 36, 2277 (1987)
  65. P. de Andrés, P.M. Echenique and F. Flores
    «Lifetime in a Two-Dimensional Image-Potential Induced Electron Band»
    Physical Review B 35, 4529 (1987)
  66. T.L. Ferrell, R.J. Warmack, V.E. Anderson and P.M. Echenique
    «Analytical Calculation of Stopping Power for Isolated Small Spheres»
    Physical Review B 35, 7365 (1987)
  67. P.M. Echenique
    «Interaction of Slow Ions with Bulk and Surfaces»
    Nuclear Instruments adn Methods B 27, 256 (1987)
  68. A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Self Energy of Image States»
    Physical Review B 35, 7697 (1987)
  69. J. Bausells, A. Rivacoba and P.M. Echenique
    «Energy Loss in Spheres by Penetrating Electrons»
    Surface Science 189/190, 1015 (1987)
  70. J. F. Annett and P.M. Echenique
    «Long-Range Excitation of Electron-Hole Pairs in Atom-Surface Scattering»
    Physical Review B. 36, 8986 (1987)
  71. P.M. Echenique, F. Flores, and R.H. Ritchie
    «Dynamic Screening: Capture and Loss Processes of Protons Moving in Solids»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B33, 91 (1988)
  72. E. Louis, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Theoretical Aspects of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy»
    Physica Scripta 37, 359 (1988)
  73. A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Stopping Power for Slow Ions in Metals and Insulators»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 33 , 138 (1988)
  74. J. M. Ugalde, C. Sarasola and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamic Screening of He like ions»
    Journal of Physics B 21, L415 (1988)
  75. J.M. Ugalde, C. Sarasola, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Vicinage Effect in Inner-Shell Ionization»
    Physical Review B 38, 735 (1988)
  76. A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Two Dimensional Image Potential Induced Electron Band»
    Physical Review B 38, 10897 (1988)
  77. I. Nagy, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Non Linear Calculations for the Width of Particle States»
    Physical Review B 38, 9191 (1988)
  78. P.M. Echenique
    «Excitation of Dielectric Spheres by Electron Beams»
    «Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction and Reflection Electron Imaging of Surfaces\», Edited by P.K. Larsen and P.J. Dobson, Plenum Press (New York), pg. 91 (1988)
  79. A.Rivacoba and P.M. Echenique
    «Deflection of STEM Electrons by Dielectric Spheres»
    Ultramicroscopy 26, 389 (1988)
  80. P.M. Echenique, F. Flores and R.H. Ritchie
    «Energy Loss, Wakes, and Charge States of Ions in Solids»
    Nuclear Science Applications. A, Vol 3, 293 (1989)
  81. N. Zabala, A. Rivacoba and P.M. Echenique
    «Energy-Loss of Electrons Traveling through Cylindrical Holes»
    Surface Science 209, 465 (1989)
  82. J. Pitarke, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Electron Density Fluctuations Induced by Ion Clusters in Condensed Matter»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 40/41, 333 (1989)
  83. J. Pitarke, P.M. Echenique and F. Flores
    «The Apparent Barrier Height for Tunneling Electrons in STM»
    Surface Science 217,267 (1989)
  84. A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Vicinage Effect in Ion Cluster Collisions with Insulators»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 40/41, 329 (1989)
  85. A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Stopping Power of an Electron Gas for Partially Stripped Ions»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 42, 165 (1989)
  86. Nagy, A. Arnau and P. M. Echenique
    «Nonlinear Stopping Power and Energy Loss Straggling of an Interacting Electron Gas for Slow Ions»
    Physical Review A 40, 987 (1989)
  87. P. L. de Andres, P. M. Echenique and F. Flores
    «A Calculation of the Lifetimes for Intermediate Rydberg States»
    Physical Review B 39, 10356 (1989)
  88. J.R. Manson, R.H. Ritchie, P.M. Echenique, A. Gras-Martí and T.L. Ferrell
    «Self Energies and the Interactions of Particles with Many Body Systems»
    Physica Scripta 39,725 (1989)
  89. E. Louis, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Theory of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy»
    Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 109,309 (1989)
  90. P.M. Echenique, I. Nagy and A. Arnau
    «Interaction of Slow Ions with Matter»
    International J. Quantum Chemistry 23, 521 (1989)
  91. I. Nagy, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and E. Zaremba
    «Low Velocity Antiproton Stopping Power»
    Physical Review B 40, 11983 (1989)
  92. R. Monreal, A. Närmann, F.Flores, W. Heiland, S. Schubert and P.M. Echenique
    «Inelastic Energy Loss of Low Energy He Scattered from Ni (110)»
    Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 109, 75 (1990)
  93. P.M. Echenique and J.B. Pendry
    «Theory of Image States at Metal Surfaces»
    Progress in Surface Science 32, 2, 111-173 (1990)
  94. P.M. Echenique, F. Flores and R. H. Ritchie
    «Dynamic Screening of Ions in Condensed Matter»
    Solid State Physics, 43, 229-308 (1990)
  95. J.Garcia, P.M.Echenique and R.H.Ritchie
    «Wake Potential and Wake Binding Energy for Protons and Antiprotons»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 48, 25 (1990)
  96. A. Närmann, R. Monreal, P. M. Echenique, F. Flores, W. Heiland and S. Schubert
    «Charge Exchange and Energy Dissipation of Particles Interacting with Metal Surfaces»
    Physical Review Letters 64, 1601 (1990)
  97. I.Nagy, A.Arnau and P.M.Echenique
    «Vicinage Effect in SLow Ion Dicluster Stopping Power»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 48, 54 (1990)
  98. A.Rivacoba and P.M.Echenique
    «Surface Corrections to Bulk Energy Losses in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Spheres»
    Scanning Microscopy Vol 4, nº1,pg 73 (1990)
  99. J.L.Mincholé, J.M. Ugalde and P.M.Echenique
    «Dynamic Screening of swift H-like ions moving in condensed matter»
    Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 48, 21 (1990)
  100. P.M.Echenique, J. Manson and R.H. Ritchie
    «Cluster-Impact Fusion»
    Physical Review Letters 64, 1413 (1990)
  101. M.Peñalba, A.Arnau and P.M.Echenique
    «Target Dependence of Electron Capture and Loss Cross Sections of Protons in Solids»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 48, 138 (1990)
  102. A.Närmann, K.Schmidt, W.Heiland, R.Monreal, F.Flores and P.M.Echenique
    «Energy Loss of Light Ions and Neutrals from Surface Scattering»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 48, 378 (1990)
  103. J. M.Pitarke, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Tunneling Spectroscopy: Surface Geometry and Interface Potential Effects»
    Surface Science 234, 1 (1990)
  104. A. Arnau, M. Peñalba, P. M. Echenique, F. Flores and R. H. Ritchie
    «Stopping Power for Helium in Aluminium»
    Physical Review Letters 65, 1024 (1990)
  105. N. Zabala and P.M. Echenique
    «Energy Loss of Fast Electrons Moving near Plane Boundaries with Dispersive Media»
    Ultramicroscopy 32, 327 (1990)
  106. R.H.Ritchie, A.Howie, P.M.Echenique, G.J. Basbas, T.L.Ferrell and J.C.Ashley
    «Plasmons in STEM Electron Spectra»
    Scanning Microscopy, Suplement 4, 45 (1990)
  107. J. M.Pitarke R.H. Ritchie and P.M.Echenique»Radiative Electron Capture by Channeled ions»
    Physical Review B 43, 62 (1991)
  108. P.M. Echenique and M.E. Uranga
    «Image Potential States at Surfaces»
    Surface Science 247, 125 (1991)
  109. P.M. Echenique and M.E. Uranga
    «Density Functional Theory of Stopping Power»
    Interaction of Charged Particles with Solids and Surfaces\» NATO ASI Series, vol 271; pgs 39-72; Editors Gras-Mart et al; Plenum (1991)
  110. P.M. Echenique, F. Flores and R.H. Ritchie
    «Image Potential Effects for Low and High Energy Electrons»
    Surface Science 251/252, 119 (1991)
  111. R.H. Ritchie, R.N. Hamm, J.C. Ashley and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron Spectra in Solids»
    «Interaction of Charged Particles with Solids and Surfaces» NATO, ASI Series, vol 271, pgs 197-226; Editors Gras Marti et al Plenum (1991)
  112. A. Närmann, W. Heiland, R. Monreal, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Charge Exchange and Energy Loss of Particles Interacting with Surfaces»
    Physical Review. B 44, 2003 (1991)
  113. J.M. Pitarke, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Dependence of Knock-on Collision Electron Emission on the Orientation of Fast Diclusters in Solids»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 56/57, 369 (1991)
  114. J.M. Pitarke and P.M. Echenique
    «Multiple Scattering Effects on Electron Emission by Fast Diclusters in Solids»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 56/57, 365 (1991)
  115. P.M. Echenique, A. Arnau, M. Peñalba and I. Nagy
    «Stopping Power of Low Velocity Ions in Solids»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 56/57, 345 (1991)
  116. F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamic Screening, Charge States and Energy Loss of Ions in Solids»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 56/57, 358 (1991)
  117. I. Nagy, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and E. Zaremba
    «Stopping Characteristics for a Slow Antiproton»
    Physical Review B 44, 12172 (1991)
  118. M. Peñalba, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Stopping Power of Carbon for Helium»
    Nuclear Instruments Methods B 56/57, 352 (1991)
  119. I. Nagy, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Von Weizsäcker Coefficient for High Temperature Electron Plasmas»
    Physical Review A 43, 7077 (1991)
  120. I. Nagy, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and K. Ladányi
    «Stopping Power of a Finite Temperature Electron Gas for Slow Unit Charges»
    Physical Review A 43, 6038 (1991)
  121. R.H. Ritchie, P.M. Echenique, F. Flores and J.R. Manson
    «The Image Potential in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy»
    Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol 117, 163 (1991)
  122. A. Närman, W. Heiland, R. Monreal, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Charge Exchange and Energy Loss of Particles Interacting with Surfaces»
    ASI Series, 271, pg 529; Editors Grass Marti et al; Plenum (1991)
  123. M. Peñalba, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Effective Charge of Helium Ions in Solids»
    NATO, ASI Series, 271, pg 541; Editors Grass Marti et al; Plenum (1991)
  124. F.J. Garcia de Abajo and P.M. Echenique
    «Wake Potential in the Vicinities of a Surface»
    NATO, ASI Series, 271, pg 547; Editors Grass Martí et al; Plenum (1991)
  125. A. Närmann, W. Heiland, R. Monreal, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique
    «Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on the Interrelation of Charge Exchange Processes and Energy Loss of Particles at Metal Surfaces»
    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 223 (1991)
  126. I. Nagy, P.M. Echenique and B. Vasvári
    «Low Velocity Unit Charges in an Electron Gas: The Many-Body Aspects of the Stopping Power»
    Electronic Structure of Solids, Akademie Verlag, Berlin (1991)
  127. R.H. Ritchie, J.R. Manson and P.M. Echenique
    «A Surface Plasmon Model for Laser Ablation of Ag+ Ions from a Roughened Ag Surface»
    Laser Ablation Mechanisms and Applications, Eds J.C. Miller and R.F. Haglund Jr, pg 239, Lecture Notes in Physics 389, Springer-Verlag (1992)
  128. M. Alducin, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Auger Capture Rates for a Slow Ion close to a Metal Surface»
    Nuclear Instruments Methods B 67, 157 (1992)
  129. M. Peñalba, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Z1-Oscillations in Slow Channeled Ion Stopping Power»
    Nuclear Instruments Methods B 67, 66 (1992)
  130. A. Arnau, M. Peñalba, P.M. Echenique and F. Flores
    «A Charge State Approach to the Stopping Power of Ions in Solids»
    Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 69, 102 (1992)
  131. F.J. Garcia de Abajo and P.M. Echenique
    «Wake Potential Formation in a Thin Foil»
    Physical Review B 45, 8771 (1992)
  132. J. Garcia de Abajo, V.H. Ponce and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron Emission Induced by Resonant Coherent Ion-Surface Interaction at Grazing Incidence»
    Physical Review Letters 69, 2364 (1992)
  133. P. Bauer, F. Kastner, A. Arnau, A. Salin, P.D. Fainstein, V.H. Ponce and P.M. Echenique
    «Phase Effect in the Energy Loss of H Projectiles in Zn Targets: Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Explanation»
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1137 (1992)
  134. A. Rivacoba, N. Zabala and P.M. Echenique
    «Theory of Energy Loss in STEM of Supported Small Particles»
    Physical Review Letters 69, 3362 (1992)
  135. M. Peñalba, A. Arnau, P.M.Echenique, F. Flores and R.H. Ritchie
    «Stopping Power for Protons in Aluminium»
    Europhysics Letters 19, 45 (1992)
  136. J. Garcia de Abajo and P.M. Echenique
    «Wake Potential in the Vicinity of a Surface»
    Physical Review B 46, 2663 (1992)
  137. P.M. Echenique, A. Rivacoba, N. Zabala and R.H. Ritchie
    «Electron Energy Loss in STEM Spectra»
    Surface Science, pg 127, Eds F.A. Ponce and M. Cardona, Springer-Verlag (1992)
  138. I. Nagy and P.M. Echenique
    «Stopping Power of an Electron Gas for Antiprotons at Intermediate Velocities»
    Physical Review A 47, 3050 (1993)
  139. J.M. Pitarke, R.H. Ritchie and P.M. Echenique
    «Z³1 Correction to the Stopping Power of an Electron Gas for Ions»
    Nuclear Instruments Methods B 79,209 (1993)
  140. F.J. García de Abajo and P.M. Echenique
    «Ion-Induced Electron Emission in Grazing Ion-Surface Collisions»
    Nuclear Instruments Methods. B 79,15 (1993)
  141. F.J. García de Abajo and P.M. Echenique
    «Surface Wake in the Random-Phase Approximation»
    Physical Review B 48, 13399 (1993)
  142. F. Flores, J.R. Cerdá, P.L. de Andres and P.M. Echenique
    «The Transport and Switching of Xe Atoms on the Ni-W Interface of a Scanning Tunnelng Microscope»
    Nuovo Cimento, 15D, 451 (1993)
  143. F.J. Garcia de Abajo, V.H. Ponce and P.M. Echenique
    «Resonant Coherent Excitation to the Continuum in Grazing Ion-Surface Collisions»
    J. Phys. Cond. Matt 5, A267 (1993)
  144. P.L. de Andres, F. Flores, J.R. Cerdá and P.M. Echenique
    «The STM as an Atomic Manipulating Tool: a Theoretical Approach»
    J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. A411 (1993)
  145. A. Rivacoba, P.M. Echenique and N. Zabala
    «A Self Energy Approach to the Energy Loss in STEM»
    J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 5, A407 (1993)
  146. P. Bauer, F. Kastner, A. Arnau, A. Salin, V.H. Ponce and P.M. Echenique
    «On the Phase Effect in Electronic Stopping»
    J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 5, A273 (1993)
  147. M.E. Uranga, A. Rivacoba and P.M. Echenique
    «Image States: Idea and Theoretical Development»
    Progress in Surface Science 42, 67 (1993)
  148. I. Nagy, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Screening and Stopping of Charged Particles in an Electron Gas»
    Physical Review B 48, 5650 (1993)
  149. P.M. Echenique and A. Arnau
    «The Z³1 Correction to the Bethe-Bloch Energy Loss Formula»
    Europhysics Lett. 24, 613 (1993)
  150. P.M. Echenique and A. Arnau
    «Energy Loss of Moving Ions in Condensed Matter»
    Physica Scripta T49, 677 (1993)
  151. A. Rivacoba, M.E. Uranga, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie»Valence Loss Spectra in STEM»
    Inelastic Energy Transfer in Interactions with Surfaces and Adsorbates, World Sci. pg 155 (1993), Eds Gumhalter, Levi, F. Flores (1993)
  152. F.J. Garcia de Abajo, V.H. Ponce and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron Emission Induced by Resonant Coherent Interaction in Ion-Surface Scattering at Grazing Incidence»
    Physical Review B 49, 2832 (1994)
  153. R.H. Ritchie, J.R. Manson and P.M. Echenique
    «Surface Plasmon-Ion Interaction in Laser Ablation of Ions from a Surface»
    Physical Review B 49, 2963 (1994)
  154. A. Arnau, P. Bauer, F. Kastner, A. Salin, V.H. Ponce, P.D. Fainstein and P.M. Echenique
    «Phase Effect in the Energy Loss of Hydrogen Projectiles in Zinc Targets»
    Physical Review B 49, 6470 (1994)
  155. A. Rivacoba, P. Apell and P.M. Echenique
    «Surface Plasmon Excitation by STEM Electrons»
    Progress in Surf. Sci. 46, 187 (1994)
  156. M. Alducin, F.J. Garcia de Abajo and P.M. Echenique
    «Auger Intra-Atomic Transitions in Grazing Atom-Surface Collisions»
    Physical Review B 49, 14589 (1994)
  157. E. Zaremba, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Nonlinear Screening and Stopping Powers at Finite Projectile Velocities»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 96, 619 (1995)
  158. R. Diez Muiño, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique
    «Auger Capture and Transition Rates for Highly Charged Ions in an Electron Gas»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 98, 420 (1995)
  159. P.M. Echenique, F.J. Garcia de Abajo, V.H. Ponce and M.E. Uranga
    «Dynamic Screening of Ions in Solids»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 96, 583 (1995)
  160. J.M. Pitarke, R.H. Ritchie and P. M. Echenique
    «Quadratic Response Theory of the Energy Loss of Charged Particles in an Electron Gas»
    Physical Review B 52, 13883 (1995)
  161. S. H. Yang, S. Morris, S. Tian, K. Parab, A. F. Tasch, P. M. Echenique, R. Capaz and J. Joannopoulos
    «A New Local Electronic Stopping Model for the Monte Carlo Simulation of Arsenic Ion Implantation into (100) Single-Crystal Silicon»
    Phys. Rev. B 52, 13883 (1995)
  162. F. J. García de Abajo and P. M. Echenique
    «Impact-Parameter Dependence of Resonant-Coherent Excitation of Channeled Ions»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 115, 299 (1996)
  163. F. J. García de Abajo and P. M. Echenique
    «Resonant-Coherent Excitation of Channeled Ions»
    Physical Review Letters 76, 1856 (1996)
  164. R. Díez Muiño, N. Stolterfoht, A. Arnau, A. Salin and P. M. Echenique
    «L-Shell Filling Rates of Highly Charged Ions in Metals»
    Physical Review Letters 76, 4636 (1996)
  165. J.I. Juaristi, F.J. García de Abajo and P. M. Echenique
    «Energy Loss of MeV Protons Specularly Reflected from Metal Surfaces»
    Physical Review B 53, 13839 (1996)
  166. S.P. Apell, P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie
    «Sum-Rules for Surface Plasmon Frequencies»
    Ultramicroscopy 65, 53 (1996)
  167. P.M. Echenique and E. Zaremba
    «Energy Loss of Slow Ions in Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional Electron Gases»
    Physicalia Mag. 18, 229 (1996)
  168. A. Arnau, F. Aumayr, P.M. Echenique, M. Grether, H. Limburg, W. Heiland, R. Morgenstern, P. Roncin, R. Schuch, N. Stolterfoht, P. Varga, T. Zourus and H.P. Winter
    «Interaction of Slow Multicharged Ions with Solid Surfaces»
    Surface Science Reports 27, 113-240 (1997)
  169. J.M. Pitarke, J.B. Pendry and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron Energy Loss in Composite Systems»
    Physical Review B 55, 9550 (1997)
  170. A. Bergara, I. Nagy and P.M. Echenique
    «Energy-Loss Rates of Heavy and Light Charged Particles in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas»
    Physical Review B 55, 12864 (1997)
  171. J. Osma, P.M. Echenique, and N. Martensson
    «Energy loss in Electronic Emission from Solid Surfaces»
    Physical Review B 56, 3644 (1997)
  172. N. Zabala, A. Rivacoba and P.M. Echenique
    «Coupling Effects in the Excitations by an External Electron Beam near Close Particles»
    Physical Review B56, 7623 (1997)
  173. K. Eder, D. Semrad, P. Bauer, R. Golser, P. Maier-Jomor, F. Aumayr, M. Peñalba, A. Arnau, J.M. Ugalde and P.M. Echenique
    «Absence of a Threshold Effect in the Energy Loss of Slow Protons Traversing Large Band Gap Insulators»
    Physical Review Letters 79, 4112-4115 (1997)
  174. E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Shilkin and P.M. Echenique
    «Image Potential States on Lithium, Copper and Silver Surfaces»
    Surface Science 391, L1217-1223 (1997)
  175. A. Bergara, I. Campillo, J.M. Pitarke, and P.M. Echenique
    «Quadratic Induced Polarization by an External Heavy Charge in an Electron Gas»
    Physical Review B 56, 15654 (1997)
  176. A. Salin, A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique
    «Resonance, Antiresonance, and Decoherence in the Excitation of Channeled Ions in Crystals»
    Physical Review A 57, 2772 (1998)
  177. J.D. Fuhr, V.H. Ponce, F.J. García de Abajo and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamic Screening of Fast Ions Moving in Solids»
    Physical Review B 57, 9329 (1998)
  178. R. Diez Muiño, A. Salin A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and N. Stolterfoth
    «Auger and Radiative Filling Rates for the Neutralization Highly Charged Ne and Ar Ions below Metal Surfaces»
    Physical Review A 57, 1126 (1998)
  179. N. Lorente, M.A. Cazalilla, J.P. Gauyacq, D. Teillet-Billy and P.M. Echenique
    «Auger Neutralization and De-Excitation of Helium at an Aluminun Surface a Unified Treatment»
    Surface Science. 411, L888 (1998)
  180. J.E. Ortega,J. García de Abajo, P.M. Echenique, I. Manke, T. Kalka, M. Dähne Prietsh, D. Ochs, S.L. Molodtsov and A. Rubio
    «Interface and Bulk Effects in the Attenuation of Low Energy Electrons through CaF2 Thin Films»
    Physical Review B 58, 2233 (1998)
  181. N.P. Wang, I. Nagy and P.M. Echenique
    «Constrained Local Plasma Density Approximation for the Calculation of the Stopping Power for Slow Ions in Solids»
    Physical Review B 58, 2357 (1998)
  182. E.V. Chulkov, I. Sarria, V.M. Silkin, J.M. Pitarke and P.M. Echenique
    «Lifetimes of Image-Potential States on Copper Surfaces»
    Physical Review Letters 80, 4947 (1998)
  183. P. Pascual, A. Rivacoba and P.M. Echenique
    «Minimum Dipole Moment Required to Bind an Electron in a Polarizable Medium»
    Physical Review B 58, 9584 (1998)
  184. M.A. Cazalilla, N. Lorente, R. Díez Muiño, J.P. Gauyacq, D. Teillet-Billy and P.M. Echenique
    «Theory of Auger Neutralization and De-Excitation of Slow Ions at Metal Surfaces»
    Physical Review. B 58, 13991 (1998)
  185. A. Salin, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and E. Zaremba
    «Dynamic Nonlinear Screening of Slow Ions in an Electron Gas»
    Physical Review B 59, 2537 (1999)
  186. E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Silkin and P.M. Echenique
    «Image Potential States on Metal Surfaces: Binding Energies and Wave Functions»
    Surface Science 437, 330 (1999)
  187. V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Unusual Dispersion of Image Potential States on the Be (1010) Surface»
    Physical Review B 60, 7820 (1999)
  188. A. Bergara, J.M. Pitarke and P.M. Echenique
    «Quadratic Electronic Response of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas»
    Physical Review B59, 10145 (1999)
  189. I. Nagy, A. Bergara and P.M. Echenique
    «Quadratic Response Solutions for Different Nonlinear Approaches of Static Screening: A Comparative Study»
    «Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems», Edited by Kalman, Rommel and Blagoev. Plenum Press (1999)
  190. J. Osma, I. Sarria, E. Chulkov, J.M. Pitarke and P.M. Echenique
    «Role of the Intrinsic Surface State in the Decay of Image States at Metal Surface»
    Physical Review. B 59, 10591 (1999)
  191. P.M. Echenique, A. Howie and R. H. Ritchie
    «Comment on \»Near-Field Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Nanoparticles»
    Physical Review Letters 83, 658 (1999)
  192. V.M. Silkin, E. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique
    «Image Potential States on Beryllium Surfaces with Low Indeces»
    Physics of the Solid State 41, 848 (1999)
  193. J.I. Juaristi, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique, C. Auth and H. Winter
    «Charge State Dependence of the Energy Loss of Slow Highly Charged Ions in Metals»
    Physical Review Letters 82, 1048 (1999)
  194. I. Campillo, J.M. Pitarke, A. Rubio, E. Zarate and P.M. Echenique
    «Inelastic Lifetimes of Hot Electrons Electrons in Real Metals»
    Physical Review Letters, 83, 2230 (1999)
  195. J.I. Juaristi, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique, C. Auth and H. Winter
    «Charge State Dependence of the Energy Loss of Slow Nitrogen Ions Reflected from an Aluminum Surface under Grazing Incidence»
    Nuclear Instruments Methods. B 157, 87 (1999)
  196. E. Zarate, P. Apell and P.M. Echenique
    «Calculation of Low-Energy Electron Lifetimes»
    Physical Review B 60, 2326 (1999)
  197. I. Nagy, B. Apagyi, J.I. Juaristi, and P.M. Echenique
    «A consistent Model for the Screening of Slow Muons in Metals»
    Physical Review B 60, 12546 (1999)
  198. I. Sarria, J. Osma, E. V. Chulkov, J. M. Pitarke, and P.M. Echenique
    «Self-energy of Image States on Copper Surfaces»
    Physical Review B 60, 11795 (1999)
  199. E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Silkin, and P.M. Echenique
    «Inverse lifetime of surface states on metals»
    Surface Science 454, 458-461 (2000)
  200. P.M. Echenique, J.M. Pitarke, E.V. Chulkov, and A. Rubio
    «Theory of inelastic lifetimes of low-energy electrons in metals»
    Chemical Physics 251, 1-35 (2000)
  201. E. Zarate, P. Apell, and P.M. Echenique
    «Long lived electronic states»
    Solid State Comn 113, 465-469 (2000)
  202. M.A. Cazalilla, J.S. Dolado, A. Rubio, and P.M. Echenique
    «Plasmonic excitations in noble metals: The case of Ag»
    Physical Review B 61, 8033-8042 (2000)
  203. I. Campillo, V.M. Silkin, J.M. Pitarke, E.V. Chulkov, A. Rubio, and P.M. Echenique
    «First-principles calculations of hot-electron lifetimes in metals»
    Physical Review B 61, 13484-13492 (2000)
  204. P.M. Echenique, J. Osma, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, and J.M. Pitarke
    «Self-energy and inelastic lifetimes of surface-state electrons and holes in metals»
    Applied Physics. A-Mater 71, 503-510 (2000)
  205. A. Schafer, I.L. Shumay, M.Wiets, M. Weinelt, Th. Fauster, E.V. Choukov, V.M. Silkin, and P.M. Echenique
    «Lifetime of unoccupied surface states on Pd(111)»
    Physical Review B 61, 13159-13163 (2000)
  206. J.I. Juaristi, C. Auth, H. Winter, A. Arnau, K. Eder, D. Semrad, F. Aumayr, P. Bauer, and P.M. Echenique
    «Unexpected Behavior of the Stopping of Slow Ions in Ionic Crystals»
    Physical Review Letters 84, 2124-2127 (2000)
  207. I. Campillo, J.M. Pitarke, A. Rubio, and P.M. Echenique
    «The role of occupied d states in the relaxation of hot electrons in Au»
    Physical Review B 62, 1500-1503 (2000)
  208. I. Campillo, A. Rubio, Pitarke J.M., A. Goldman, and P.M. Echenique
    «Hole dynamics in noble metals»
    Physical Review Letters 85, 3241-3244 (2000)
  209. J. Kliewer, R. Berndt, E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Silkin, P.M. Echenique, and S. Crampin
    «Dimensionality Effects in the Lifetime of Surface States»
    Science 288, 1399-1402 (2000)
  210. I. Nagy, J.I. Juaristi, and P.M. Echenique
    «Relaxation rate of excited electrons in metals: A nonperturbative calculation based on kinetic theory»
    Physical Review B 63, 035102.1-6 (2000)
  211. M. Bergsmann, W. Raab, G. Schrenk, F. Kastner, R.D. Muino, A. Arnau, A. Salin, P. Bauer, and P. M. Echenique
    «Phase effect in stopping of H ions in Mg»
    Physical Review B 62, 3153-3159 (2000)
  212. A. G. Borisov, J. P. Gauyacq, A. K. Kazansky, E. V. Chulkov, V. M. Silkin, and P. M. Echenique
    «Long-Lived Excited States at Surfaces: Cs/Cu(111) and Cs/Cu(100) Systems»
    Physical Review Letters 86, 488 (2001)
  213. P.M. Echenique, J. Osma, M. Machado, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, and J.M. Pitarke
    «Surface-state electron dynamics in noble metals»
    Progress in Surface Science 67, 271 (2001)
  214. S. Link, H. A. Dürr, G. Bihlmayer, S. Blügel, W. Eberhardt, E. V. Chulkov, V. M. Silkin, and P. M. Echenique
    «Femtosecond electron dynamics of image-potential states on clean and oxygen-covered Pt(111)»
    Physical Review B 63, 115420, (656,660) (2001)
  215. V.M. Silkin, T. Balasubramanian, E.V. Chulkov, A. Rubio, and P.M. Echenique
    «Surface-state hole decay mechanisms: The Be(0001) surface»
    Physical Review B 64, 085334-1,5 (2001)
  216. A. Gerlach, K. Berge, A. Goldmann, I. Campillo, A. Rubio, J. M. Pitarke, and P. M. Echenique
    «Lifetime of d-holes at Cu surfaces: Theory and experiment»
    Physical Review B 64, 085423-1,8 (2001)
  217. J. S. Dolado, V. M. Silkin, M. A. Cazalilla, A. Rubio and P. M. Echenique
    «Lifetimes and mean-free paths of hot electrons in the alkali metals»
    Physical Review B 64 195128-1,7 (2001)
  218. I. Nagy, M. Alducin, J. I. Juaristi, and P. M. Echenique
    «Relaxation of excited electrons in a paramagnetic electron gas: the role of spins in screening and scattering»
    Physical Review B 64, 075101 (2001)
  219. V.P. Zhukov, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Dielectric functions and collective excitations in MgB2»
    Physical Review B (Rapid communications), 64, 180507 (2001)
  220. V.P. Zhukov, F. Aryasetiawan, E.V. Chulkov, I.G. de Gurtubay, and P.M. Echenique
    «Corrected local-density approximation band structures, linear-response dielectric functions, and quasiparticle lifetimes in noble metals»
    Physical Review B 64 195122-1,11 (2001)
  221. T. Balasubramanian, L.I. Johansson, P.A. Glans, C. Virojanadara, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Surface electronic band structure and A surface state lifetimes at the Be (1010) surface: Experiment and Theory»
    Physical Review B, 64, 205401 (2001)
  222. V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Surface and image potential states on MgB2(0001) surfaces»
    Physical Review B 64 17 2512 (2001)
  223. C.D. Spataru, M.A. Cazalilla, A. Rubio, L.X. Benedict, P.M. Echenique, and S.G. Louie
    «Anomalous Quasiparticle Lifetime in Graphite: Band Structure Effects»
    Physical Review Letters 87, 246405-1,4 (2001)
  224. V.P. Zhukov, F. Aryasetiawan, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «The lifetimes of quasiparticle excitations in 4d transition metals: scattering theory and LMTO-RPA-GW approaches»
    Physical Review B 65, 115116 (2002)
  225. W. Berthold, U. Höfer, P. Feulner, E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Silkin, and P.M. Echenique
    «Momentum-Resolved Lifetimes of Image-Potential States on Cu(100)»
    Physical Review Letters 88, 056805 (2002)
  226. A. Eiguren, B. Hellsing, F. Reinert, G. Nicolay, E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Silkin, S. Höfner, and P.M. Echenique
    «Role of Bulk and Surface Phonons in the Decay of Metal Surfaces States»
    Physical Review Letters 88, 066805 (2002)
  227. A.G. Borisov, J.P. Gauyacq, E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Silkin and P.M. Echenique
    «Lifetime of excited electronic states at surfaces: Comparison between the alkli/Cu(111) systems»
    Physical Review B 65, 235434 (2002)
  228. M. Alducin, R. Diez Muiño, J. I. Juaristi, and P. M. Echenique
    «Nonlinear effects in the energy loss of a slow dipole in a free-electron gas»
    Physical Review A 66, 054901 (2002)
  229. I. Nagy, M. Alducin, J.I. Juaristi and P.M. Echenique
    «Relaxation of excited electrons in an electron gas: A mean field approach with charge and spin polarization»
    Physical Review B 65, 235102 (2002)
  230. A. Garcia-Lekue, J. M. Pitarke, E. V. Chulkov, A. Liebsch, and P. M. Echenique
    «Role of surface plasmons in the decay of image-potential states on silver surfaces»
    Physical Review Letters 89, 096401 (2002)
  231. M. Alducin, J.I. Juaristi, I. Nagy, and P.M. Echenique
    «Inelastic scattering of low-energy elects in metalls: the role of kinematics in screening»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 2647 (2002)
  232. P. M. Echenique, J. M. Pitarke, E. V. Chulkov, and V. M. Silkin
    «Image-potential induced states at metal surfaces»
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 126, 163 (2002)
  233. I.A. Howard, N.H. March, and P.M. Echenique
    «Nonlinear theory of scattering by localized potentials in metals»
    Journal of Physica A: Mathematical and General 36, 11451 (2003)
  234. I. Nagy, J.I. Juaristi, R. Diez Muiño, and P.M. Echenique
    «Short-range correlation in an electron gas: A scattering approach»
    Physical Review B 67, 073102 (2003)
  235. L. Vitali, P. Wahl, M.A. Schneider, K. Kern, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Inter-and intraband inelastic scattering o fhot surface state electrons at the Ag(111) surface»
    Surface Science 523, L47 (2003)
  236. R. Diez Muiño, M. Alducin, and P.M. Echenique
    «Minimum dipole moment required to bind an electron to a screened dipole field»
    Physical Review B 67, 121101 (2003)
  237. H. Winter, J.I. Juaristi, I. Nagy, A. Arnau, and P.M. Echenique
    «Energy loss of slow ions in a nonuniform electron gas»
    Physical Review B 67, 245401 (2003)
  238. B. Hellsing, A. Eiguren, F. Reinert, G. Nicolay, E. V. Chulkov, V. M. Silkin, S. Hüfner, and P. M. Echenique
    «Lifetime of holes and electrons at metal surfaces; electron-phonon coupling»
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 129, 97 (2003)
  239. V.P. Zhukov, M. Usuda, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Dielectric functions and quasi-particle lifetimes in Ag: full-potential LMTO and LAPW GW approaches»
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 129, 127 (2003)
  240. A. Eiguren, B. Hellsing, E. V. Chulkov, and P. M. Echenique
    «Phonon mediated image state electron decay at metal surfaces»
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 129, 111 (2003)
  241. M. Machado, A. Eiguren, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Surface state quasiparticle dynamics at metal surfaces»
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 129, 87 (2003)
  242. A. Bergara, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Ab initio dynamical response of metal monolayers»
    Physical Review B 67, 245402 (2003)
  243. A.Eiguren, B.Hellsing, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Phonon-mediated decay of metal surface states»
    Physical Review B 67, 235423 (2003)
  244. A. García-Lekue, J.M. Pitarke. E.V. Chulkov, A. Liebsch, and P.M. Echenique
    «Role of occupied d bands in the dynamics of excited electrons and holes in Ag»
    Physical Review B 68, 045103 (2003)
  245. V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Lifetimes of d holes in Cu and Au: Full-potential LMTO approach»
    Physical Review B 68, 045102 (2003)
  246. R. Diez Muiño, A. Arnau, A. Salin and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamic response of a strongly perturbed electron gas»
    Physical Review B 68, 041102 (2003)
  247. F. J. García de Abajo, A. G. Pattantyus-Abraham , N. Zabala , A. Rivacoba, M. O. Wolf , and P. M. Echenique
    «The Cherenkov effect as a probe of photonic nanostructures»
    Physical Review Letters 91, 143902 (2003)
  248. F.J. Garcia de Abajo, A. Rivacoba, N. Zabala, and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron energy loss spectroscopy as a probe of two-dimensional photonic crystals»
    Physical Review B 68, 205105 (2003)
  249. V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «First-principles calculation of the electron inelastic mean free path in Be metal»
    Physical Review B 68, 205106 (2003)
  250. A. Eiguren, S. de Gironcoli, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, and E. Tosatti
    «Electron-phonon interaction at the Be(0001) surface»
    Physical Review Letters 91, 166803 (2003)
  251. E.V. Chulkov, J. Kliewer, R. Berndt, V.M. Silkin, B. Hellsing, S. Crampin, and P.M. Echenique
    «Hole dynamics in a quantum-well state at Na/Cu(111)»
    Physical Review B 68, 195422 (2003)
  252. E. Zaremba, I. Nagy, and P.M. Echenique
    «Nonlinear Screening in Two-Dimensional Electron Gases»
    Physical Review Letters 90, 046801 (2003)
  253. M. Machado, E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Silkin, U. Hofer, and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron lifetimes in image-potential states at metal-dielectric interfaces»
    Progress in Surface Science 74, 219 (2003)
  254. A. González-Ureña, K. Gasmin, S. Skowronek, A. Rubio, and P.M. Echenique
    «Laser-induced control of (multichannel) intracluster reactions: the slowest is always the easiest to take»
    European Physical Journal D 28, 193 (2004)
  255. A. Borisov, D. Sánchez-Portal, R. Díez Muiño, and P.M. Echenique
    «Building up the screening below the femtosecond scale»
    Chemical Physics Letters 387, 95 (2004)
  256. V.M. Silkin, A. García-Lekue, J.M. Pitarke, E.V. Chulkov, E. Zaremba, and P.M. Echenique
    «Novel low-energy collective excitation at metal surfaces»
    Europhysics Letters 66, 260 (2004)
  257. P.M. Echenique, R. Berndt, E.V. Chulkov, Th. Fauster, A. Goldman, and U. Höfer
    «Decay of electronic excitations at metal surfaces»
    Surface Science Reports 52, 219 (2004)
  258. F. Calleja, A. Arnau, J.J. Hinarejos, A.L. Vazquez de Parga, W.A. Hofer, P.M. Echenique, and R. Miranda
    «Contrast reversal and shape changes of atomic adsorbates measured with scanning tunneling microscopy»
    Physical Review Letters 92, 206101 (2004)
  259. I. Nagy, R. Díez Muiño, J.I. Juaristi, and P.M. Echenique
    «Spin-resolved pair-distribution functions in an lectron gas: a scattering approach based on consistent potentials»
    Physical Review B 69, 233105 (2004)
  260. J.M. Pitarke, V.P. Zhukov, R. Keyling, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Ultrafast electron dynamics in metals»
    Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry 5, 1284 (2004)
  261. Y.M. Koroteev, G. Bihlmayer, J.E. Gayone, E.V. Chulkov, S. Blügel, P.M. Echenique, and P. Hofmann
    «Strong spin-orbit splitting on Bi surfaces»
    Physical Review Letters 93, 4, 046403 (2004)
  262. I.G. Gurtubay, J.M. Pitarke, and P.M. Echenique
    «Exchange and correlation effects in the relaxation of hot electrons in noble metals»
    Physical Review B 69, 245106 (2004)
  263. M. Alducin, J.I. Juaristi, and P.M. Echenique
    «Time-dependent screening in a two-dimensional electron gas»
    Surface Science 559, 233 (2004)
  264. A.G. Borisov, D. Sánchez-Portal, R. Díez Muiño, and P.M. Echenique
    «Dimensionality effects in time-dependent screening»
    Chemical Physics Letters 393, 132 (2004)
  265. M. Machado, W. Berthold, U. Höfer, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Image-potential state lifetimes in Ar/Cu (100)»
    Suface Science 564, 87 (2004)
  266. V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «First principles multiple scattering theory of quasiparticle lifetimes in ferromagnetic materials»
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-76, 466 (2004)
  267. A. Sarasola, R.H. Ritchie, E. Zaremba, and P.M. Echenique
    «Density functional theory based stopping power for 3D and 2D systems»
    Advances in Quantum Chemistry 46, 1 (2004)
  268. V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Lifetimes of excited electrons in Fe and Ni: first-principles GW and the T-matrix theory»
    Physical Review Letters 93, 9, 096401 (2004)
  269. V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Band structure versus dynamical exchange-correlation effects in surface plasmon energy and damping: A first-principles calculation»
    Physical Review Letters 93, 17, 176801 (2004)
  270. J.I. Pascual, G. Bihlmayer, Yu.M. Koroteev, H.-P. Rust, G. Ceballos, M.Hansmann, K. Horn, E.V. Chulkov, S. Blügel, P.M. Echenique, and Ph. Hofmann
    «Role of spin in quasiparticle interference»
    Physical Review Letters 93, 19 (2004)
  271. J.M. Pitarke, V.U. Nazarov, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, E. Zaremba, and P.M. Echenique
    «Theory of acoustic surface plasmons»
    Physical Review B 70, 205403 (2004)
  272. V.P. Zhukov, O. Andreyev, D. Hoffmann, M. Bauer, M. Aeschlimann, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Lifetimes of excited electrons in Ta: experimental time-resolved photoemission data and first-principles GW+T theory»
    Physical Review B 70, 233106 (2004)
  273. M. Quijada, R. Díez Muiño, and P.M. Echenique
    «The lifetime of electronic excitations in metal clusters»
    Nanotechnology 16, S176 (2005)
  274. J.M. Pitarke, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Surface plasmons in metallic structures»
    Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 7, S73 (2005)
  275. E. Zaremba, I. Nagy, and P.M. Echenique
    «Nonlinear screening and stopping power in two-dimensional electron gases»
    Physical Review B 71, 125323 (2005)
  276. N. Zabala, F.J. García de Abajo, A. Rivacoba, A.G. Pattantyus-Abraham, M.O. Wolf, L.A. Blanco, and P.M. Echenique
    «Stopping power and Cherenkov radiation in pohotonic crystals»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 230, 24 (2005)
  277. A. Föhlisch, P. Feulner, F. Hennies, A. Fink, D. Menzel, D. Sánchez Portal, P.M. Echenique, and W. Wurth
    «Direct observation of electron dynamics in the attosecond domain»
    Nature 436, 373 (2005)
  278. I. Yu. Sklyadneva, E.V. Chulkov. W.-Schöne, V.M. Silkin, R. Keyling, and P.M. Echenique
    «Role of electron-phonon interactions versus electron-electron interactions in the broadening mechanism of the electron and hole linewidths in bulk Be»
    Physical Review B 71, 174302 (2005)
  279. N. March, I.A. Howard, I. Nagy, and P.M. Echenique
    «Changes in non-linear potential scattering theory in electron gases brought about by reducing dimensionality»
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 46, 072104 (2005)
  280. V.M. Silkin, J.M. Pitarke, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Acoustic surface plasmons in the noble metals Cu, Ag and Au»
    Physical Review B 72, 115435 (2005)
  281. V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «GW+T theory of excited electron lifetimes in metals»
    Physical Review B 72, 155109 (2005)
  282. A. Galindo, I. Nagy, R. Díez Muiño, and P.M. Echenique
    «Curvature of the total electron density at critical coupling»
    Physical Review B 72, 125113 (2005)
  283. B. Hellsing, A. Eiguren, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron-phonon coupling and lifetimes of excited surface states»
    Surface Science 593, 12 (2005)
  284. R. Díez Muiño, I. Nagy, and P. M. Echenique
    «Calculation of pair correlations in a high-density electron gas: Constraints for effective interparticle potentials»
    Physical Review B 72, 075117 (2005)
  285. C. Corriol, V.M Silkin, D. Sánchez-Portal, A. Arnau, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, T. von Hofe, J. Kliewer, J. Kröger, and R. Berndt
    «Role of Elastic Scattering in Electron Dynamics at Ordered Alkali Overlayers on Cu(111)»
    Physical Review Letters 95, 176802 (2005)
  286. M. Alducin, J.I. Juaristi, R. Diez Muiño, M. Rösler, and P.M. Echenique
    «Spin-dependent electron emission from metals in the neutralization of He+ ions»
    Physical Review A 72, 024901 (2005)
  287. V.M. Silkin, I.A. Nechaev, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Induced charge-density oscilations at metal surfaces»
    Surface Science 588, L239 (2005)
  288. Zhukov VP, Chulkov EV, and Echenique PM
    «Lifetimes and inelastic mean free path of low-energy excited electrons in Fe, Ni, Pt, and Au: Ab initio GW+T calculations»
    Physical Review B 73, 125105 (2006)
  289. Borisov AG, Juaristi JI, Díez Muiño R, Sánchez-Portal D and Echenique PM
    «Quantum-size effects in the energy loss of charged particles interacting with a confined two-dimensional electron gas»
    Physical Review A 73, 012901 (2006)
  290. Wegner D, Bauer A, Koroteev YM, Bihlmayer G, Chulkov EV, Echenique PM, and Kaindl G.
    «Surface electronic structures of La(0001) and Lu(0001).»
    Physical Review B73, 115403 (2006)
  291. Sklyadneva IY, Chulkov EV, Echenique PM, and Eiguren A.
    «Electron-phonon interaction and hole (electron) lifetimes on Be(0001)»
    Surface Science 600, 3792 (2006)
  292. Hirahara T, Nagao T, Matsuda I, Bihlmayer G, Chulkov EV, Koroteev YM, Echenique PM, Saito M, and Hasegawa S.
    «Role of spin-orbit coupling and hybridization effects in the electronic structure of ultrathin Bi films.»
    Physical Review Letters 97, 146803 (2006)
  293. Lazic P, Silkin VM, Chulkov EV, Echenique PM, and Gumhalter B.
    «Extreme ultrafast dynamics of quasiparticles excited in surface electronic bands»
    Physical Review Letters 97, 086801 (2006)
  294. Borisov AG, Chulkov EV and Echenique PM
    «Lifetimes of the image-state resonances at metal surfaces»
    Physical Review B 73, 073402 (2006)
  295. Rodriguez-Prieto A, Silkin VM, Bergara A, and Echenique PM
    «Dynamical response function of a compressed lithium monolayer»
    Surface Science 600, 3856 (2006)
  296. Silkin VM, Nechaev IA, Chulkov EV, and Echenique PM
    «Charge-density oscillations at (111) noble metal surfaces»
    Surface Science 600, 3875 (2006)
  297. Bihlmayer G, Koroteev YM, Echenique PM, Chulkov EV, and Blugel S
    «The Rashba-effect at metallic surfaces.»
    Surface Science 600, 3888 (2006)
  298. Chulkov EV, Borisov AG, Gauyacq JP, Sánchez.Portal D, Silkin VM, Zhukov VP, and Echenique PM
    «Electronic excitations in metal and at metal surfaces»
    Chemical Review 106, 4160 (2006)
  299. Mönnich A, Lange J, Bauer M, Aeschlimann M, Nechaev IA, Zhukov V P, Echenique P M, and Chulkov E V.
    «Experimental time-resolved photoemission and ab initio study of lifetimes of excited electrons in Mo and Rh»
    Physical Review B 74, 035102 (2006)
  300. Sklyadneva IYu, Leonardo A, Echenique PM, Eremeev SV, and Chulkov EV
    «Electron-phonon contribution to the phonon and excited electron (hole) linewidths in bulk Pd»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 7923 (2006)
  301. Andreyev O, Koroteev YuM, Sánchez-Albaneda M, Cinchetti M, Bihlmayer G, Chulkov EV, Lange J, Steeb F, Bauer M, Echenique PM, Blügel S, and Aeschlimann M.
    «Spin-resolved two-photon photoemission study of the surface resonance state on Co/Cu (001).»
    Physical Review B 74, 195416 (2006)
  302. Borisova SD, Rusina GG, Eremeev SV, Benedek G, Echenique PM, Sklyadneva IYu, and Chulkov EV.
    «Vibrations insubmonolayer structures of Na on Cu (111).»
    Physical Review B 74, 165412 (2006)
  303. Galindo A, Nagy I, Díez Muiño R, and Echenique PM
    «Curvature of the total electron density at critical coupling: attractive impurity in an electron gas»
    New Journal of Physics 8, 299 (2006)
  304. Leonardo A, Sklyadneva IYu, Echenique P.M. and Chulkov EV.
    «Electron-phonon interaction in a free standing beryllium monolayer.»
    Surface Science 600, 3715 (2006)
  305. Rodriguez-Prieto A, Bergara A, Silkin VM, and Echenique PM
    «Complexity and Fermi surface deformation in compressed lithium»
    Physical Review B 74, 172104 (2006)
  306. Nagy I, March NH, Echenique PM.
    «Homogeneous Fermi liquid with \»artificial\» repulsive inverse square law interparticle potential energy»
    Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 44, 571 (2006)
  307. Pitarke JM, Silkin VM, Chulkov EV, and Echenique PM
    «Theory of surface plasmons and surface-plasmon polaritons.»
    Reports Progress Physics 70, 1-87 (2007)
  308. V.M. Silkin, M. Quijada, M.G. Vergniory, M. Alducin, A.G. Borisov, R. Díez Muiño, J.I. Juaristi, D. Sánchez-Portal, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamic Screening and electron dynamics in low-dimensional metal systems»
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 258, 72-78 (2007)
  309. M. Alducin, J.I. Juaristi, R.D. Muiño, M. Roester and P.M. Echenique
    «Spin polarization of electrons emitted in the neutralization of He+ ions in solids.»
    Springer Tracts in modern Physics 225, 153-183 (2007)
  310. J.I. Pascual, C.Corriol, G. Ceballos, I. Aldazabal, H.P. Rust, K. Horn, J.M. Pitarke, P.M. Echenique and A. Arnau
    «Role of the electric field in surface electron dynamics above the vacuum level.»
    Physical Review B 75, 165326 (2007)
  311. B. Diaconescu, K. Pohl, L. Vattuone, L. Savio, Ph. Hofmann, V.M. Silkin, J.M. Pitarke, E.V. Chulkov, D. Farias, P.M. Echenique, M. Rocca
    «Low-energy acoustic plasmons at metal surfaces.»
    Nature 448, 57 (2007)
  312. A. Leonardo, I.Yu. Sklyadneva, V.M. Silkin, P.M. Echenique, and E.V. Chulkov
    «Ab-initio calculation of the phonon induced contribution to the electron states linewidth on the Mg(0001) surface versus bulk Mg.»
    Physical Review B 76, 035404 (2007)
  313. J. Kröger, M. Becker, H. Jensen, Th. Von Hofe, N. Neel, L. Limot, J. Kliewer, R. Berndt, S. Crampin, E. Pehlke, C. Corriol, V.M. Silkin, D. Sánchez-Portal, A. Arnau, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamics of surface localised electronic excitations studied with the scanning tunneling microscope.»
    Progress in Surface Science 82, 293 (2007)
  314. M. Quijada, A.G. Borisov, I Nagy, R Díez Muiño and P.M. Echenique
    «Time-dependent density-functional calculation of the stopping power for protons and antiprotons in metals.»
    Physical Review A 75, 042902 (2007)
  315. V.M. Silkin, A. Rodríguez-Prieto, A. Bergara, E.V. Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Strong variation of dielectric response and optical properties of lithium under pressure.»
    Physical Review B 75, 172102 (2007)
  316. P. Lazic, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, and B. Gumhalter
    «Ultrafast dynamics and decoherence of quasiparticles excited in surface bands: Preasymptotic decay and dephasing of quasiparticles states.»
    Physical Review B 76, 045420 (2007)
  317. G.G. Rusina, S.V. Eremeev, S.D. Borisova, I. Yu. Sklyadneva, Pm Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Phonons in the ordered c(2 x 2) phases of Na and Li on Al(001)»
    Journal of Physics C 19, 26605 (2007)
  318. V.M. Silkin, M. Quijada, R. Díez Muiño, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamic screening and electron-electron scattering in low-dimensional metallic systems»
    Surface Science 601, 4546 (2007)
  319. V.M. Silkin, E.V: Chulkov, and P.M. Echenique
    «Band structure effects in the surface plasmon at the Be (0001) surface»
    Radiation effects and defects in solids 162, 483 (2007)
  320. A. L. Cavalieri, N. Muller, Th. Uphues, V. Yakovlev, A. Baltuska, B. Horvath, B. Schmidt, L. Blümel, R. Holzwarth, S. Hendel, M. Drescher, U. Kleineberg, P.M. Echenique, R. Kienberger, F. Krausz and U. Heinzmann
    «Attosecond spectroscopy in condensed matter.»
    Nature 449, (7165); 1029-1032 (2007)
  321. S.V. Eremeev, I.Yu. Sklyadneva, P.M. Echenique, S.D. Borisova, G. Benedek, G.G. Rusina, and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon coupling in a sodium monolayer on Cu(111)»
    Surface Science 601, 4553 (2007)
  322. I.Yu. Sklyadneva, A. Leonardo, P.M. Echenique, and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon contribution to hole linewidth of the surface state on A1(001)»
    Surface Science 601, 4022 (2007)
  323. A. Leonardo, I. Yu Sklyadneva, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon interaction in magnesium: From the monolayer to the Mg (0001) surface.»
    Surface Science 601, 4018 (2007)
  324. M. Deppe, A. Föhlish, F. Hennies, M. Nagasono, M. Beye, D. Sánchez-Portal, P.M. Echenique and W. Wurth
    «Ultrafast charge transfer and atomic orbital polarization.»
    J. Chemical Phys. 127, 174708 (2007)
  325. A.G. Borisov, T. Hakala, M.J. Puska, V.M. Silkin, N. Zabala, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique
    «Image potential statesof supported metallic nanoislands»
    Phys. Rev. B 76, 121402 (2007)
  326. A. Ayuela, J.S. Dolado, I. Campillo, Y.R. de Miguel, E. Erkizia, D. Sánchez-Portal, A. Rubio, A. Porro, P.M. Echenique
    «Silicate chain formation in the nanostructure of cement-based materials»
    J. Chemical Phy. 127, 164710 (2007)
  327. V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, A. Mönnich, M. Bauer, and M. Aeschlimann
    «Excited electron dynamics in bulk ytterbium: time-resolved two-photon photoemission and GW+T ab initio calculations»
    Phys. Rev.B 76, 193107 (2007)
  328. A. Marienfeld, M. Cinchetti, M. Bauer, M. Aeschlimann, V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Experimental time-resolved photoemission and ab initio GW + T study of lifetimes of excited electrons in ytterbium»
    J. Phys: Cond. Matt, 496213 (2007)
  329. D. Sanchez-Portal, D. Menzel and P.M. Echenique
    «First principles calculation of charge transfer at surfaces:The case of core-excited Ar* (2p-13/2 4S) on Ru (0001)»
    Physical Review B 76, 235406 (2007)
  330. V.M. Silkin, I.P. Chernov, P.M. Echenique, Yu. M. Korotev and E.V. Chulkov
    «Influence of hydrogen absorption on low energy collective excitations in palladium»
    Physical Review B 76, 245105 (2007)
  331. I.A. Nechaev, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «GW lifetimes of quasiparticles excitations in paramagnetic transition metals.»
    Physical Review B 76, 245125 (2007)
  332. M.G. Vergniory, J.M. Pitarke and P.M. Echenique
    «Self-energy and lifetime of Shockley and image states on Cu(100) and Cu(111): Beyond the GW approximation of many-body theory.»
    Physical Review B 76, 245416 (2007)
  333. G.G. Rusina, S.V. Eremeev, P.M. Echenique, G. Benedek, S.D. Borisova and E.V. Chulkov
    «Vibrations of alkali metal overlayers on metal surfaces»
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter 20, 224007 (2008)
  334. V.M. Silkin, J.M. Pitarke, E.V. Chulkov, B. Diaconescu, K. Pohl, L. Vattuone, L. Savio, Ph. Hofman, D. Farias, M. Rocca and P.M. Echenique
    «Band structure effects on the Be(0001) acoustic surface plasmon energy dispersion»
    Phys. Stat. Sol (a), Nº6, 1307 (2008)
  335. I.Yu. Sklyadneva, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron-phonon interaction on the Al(001) surface»
    J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 20, 165203 (2008)
  336. A. Rodríguez-Prieto, V.M. Silkin, A. Bergara and P.M. Echenique
    «Energy loss spectra of lithium under pressure»
    New Journal of Physics 10, 053035 (2008)
  337. I. Nagy, R. Vivent, J.I. Juaristi and P.M. Echenique
    «Energy-loss straggling of swift heavy ions in an electron gas»
    Physical Review A 78, 012902 (2008)
  338. R. Vincent, A. Lodder, I. Nagy and P.M. Echenique
    «Description of a migrating proton embedded in an electron gas»
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 285218 (2008)
  339. V.M. Silkin, M. Alducin, J. I. Juaristi, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «The Role of an electronic surface state in the stopping power of a swift charged particle in front of a metal»
    J. Phys C.: Condens. Matter, 20, 304209 (2008)
  340. J. Zhao, N. Pontius, A. Winkelmann, V. Sametoglu, A. Kubo, A.G. Borisov, D. Sanchez-Portal, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and H. Petek
    «Electronic potential of a chemisoption interface»
    Phys. Rev. B 78, 085419 (2008)
  341. V.M. Silkin, A. Balassis, A. Leonardo, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamic screening and electron dynamics in non-homogeneus metal systems»
    Applied Physics-Materials Science and Processing 92, 453 (2008)
  342. I.A. Nechaev, I. Yu Sklyadneva, V.M. Silkin, P-M- Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Theoretical study of quasiparticle lifetimes as pllied to aluminium»
    Physical Review B 78, 085113 (2008)
  343. V.P. Zhukov, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «First-principle approach to the study of spin relaxation times of excited electrons in metals»
    Physica Status Solidii A, Application adn Materials 205, 1296 (2008)
  344. V.N. Men’shov, V.V. Tugushev, P.M. Echenique, S. Caprara and E.V. Chulkov
    «Interlayer exchange coupling in digital magnetic alloys»
    Physical Review B 78, 024438 (2008)
  345. W. Schattke, E.E. Krasovskii, R. Díez Muiño and P.M. Echenique
    «Direct resolution of unoccupied states in solid via two photon photoemission»
    Physical Review B 155314 (2008)
  346. M. Wisenmmayer, M. Bauer, S. Mathias, M. Wesswndorf, E.V. Chulkov, V.M. Silkin, A.G. Borisov, J.P. Gauyacq, P.M. Echenique and M. Aeschlimann
    «Lifetime of an adsorbate excitation modified by a tunable two-dimensional substrate»
    Physical Review B 78, 245410 (2008)
  347. N.H. March, I. Nagy and P.M. Echenique
    «Neutron and X-ray diffraction from liquid Rb»
    Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 46, 481 (2008)
  348. A. Balassis, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and V.M. Silkin
    «First-principle calculations of dielectric and optical properties of MgB2»
    Physical Review B 78, 224502 (2008)
  349. A. G. Borisov, V. Sametoglu, A. Winkelmann, A. Kubo, J. Zhao, V.M. Silkin, J.P. Gauyacq, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and H. Petek
    «∏ resonance of chemisorbed alkali atoms on noble metals»
    Physical Review Letters 101, 266801 (2008)
  350. J. Inglesfield and P.M. Echenique
    «Sir John Pendry FRS- Foreword»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 304209 (2008)
  351. S. Caprara, V.V. Tugushev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Half-metallic behavior of a ferromagnetic metal monolayer in a semiconducting matrix»
    EPL 85, 27006 (2009)
  352. F. Schiller, A. Leonardo, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and J.E. Ortega
    «Off-gap interface reflectivity of electron waves in Frabry-Pérot resonances»
    Physical Review B 79, 033420 (2009)
  353. G. Gumbs, D. Huang and P.M. Echenique
    «Comparing the image potentials for intercalated graphene with a two-dimensional electron gas with and without a gated grating»
    Physical Review B 79, 035410 (2009)
  354. S. Caprara, V.N. Men’shov, W. Tugushev, P-M- Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Effect of carrier confinement on exchange coupling in dilute magnetic semiconfuctors with self-organized nanocolumns»
    Physical Review B 79, 035202 (2009)
  355. O.L. Berman, G. Gumbs and P.M. Echenique
    «Quasiparticles for quantum dots in graphene and the associated Magnetoplasmons»
    Physical Review B 79, 075418 (2009)
  356. C. Brun, I-Po. Hong, F. Patthey, I. Yu Sklyadneva, R. Heid, P.M. Echenique, K.P Bohnen, E.V. Chulkov and W.D. Schneider
    «Reduction of the superconducting gap of ultrathin Pb islands grown on Si(111)»
    Physical Review Letters 102, 207002 (2009)
  357. A.K. Kazansky and P.M. Echenique
    «One-electron model for the electronic response of metal surfaces to subfemtosecond photoexcitation»
    Physical Review Letters 102, 177401 (2009)
  358. A. Eiguren, C. Ambrosch-Draxl and PM Echenique
    «Self-consistently renormalized quasiparticles under the electron-phonon interaction»
    Physical Review B 79, 245103 (2009)
  359. I. Nagy, N. Zabala and PM Echenique
    «A model for pairing in two-dimensional electron gases»
    New Journal of Physics 11, 063012 (2009)
  360. V.N. Men’shov, V.V. Tugushev, S. Caprara, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Spin ordering in semiconductor heterostructures with ferromagnetic δ layers»
    Physical Review B 80, 035315 (2009)
  361. I. Yu Sklyadneva, R. Heid, V.M. Silkin, A. Melzer, K.P. Bohnen, P.M. Echenique, Th. Fauster and E. V. Chulkov
    «Unusually weak electron-phonon coupling in the Shockley surface state on Pd(111)»
    Physical Review B 80, 045429 (2009)
  362. I.P. Hong, C. BruN, F. Patthey, I. Yu. Sklyadneva , X. Zubizarreta, R. Heid, V.M. Silkin, P.M. Echenique, K.P. Bohnen, E.V. Chulkov, and W.D. Schneider
    «Decay mechanisms of excited electrons in quantum-well states of ultrathin Pb islands grown on Si(111): Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and theory»
    Physica Review B 80, 081409 (2009)
  363. I.A. Nechaev, M.F. Jensen, EDL Rienks, V.M. Silkin, P.M. Echenique, E.V. Chulkov, and Ph. Hofmann
    «Hole dynamics in a two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled electron system: Theoretical and experimental study of the Au (111) surface state»
    Physical Review B 80, 113402 (2009)
  364. G. Stutz, V.M. Silkin, G. Tirao, A. Balassis, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, E. Granado, A.F. García-Flores and P.G. Pagliusof
    «Inelastic X-ray scattering and first-principles study of electron excitations in MgB2»
    Solid State Communications 149, 1706 (2009)
  365. V.M. Silkin, A. Balassis, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Ab initio calculation of low-energy collective charge-density excitations in MgB2»
    Physical Review B 80, 054521 (2009)
  366. I. Nagy, N. Zabala and P.M. Echenique
    «Pair formation temperature in jelliumlike two-dimensional electron gases»
    Physical Review B 80, 092504 (2009)
  367. V.M. Silkin, J. Zhao, F. Guinea, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and H. Petek
    «Image potential states in graphene»
    Physical Review B 80, 121408 (2009)
  368. S. Achilli, M.I. Trioni, E.V. CHulkov, P.M. Echenique, V. Sametoglu, N. Pontius, A. Winkelmann, A. Kubo, J. Zhao and H. Petek
    «Spectral properties of Cs and Ba on Cu(111) at very low coverage: Two-photon photoemission spectroscopy and electronic structure theory»
    Physical Review B 80, 245419 (2009)
  369. G. Benedek, M. Bernasconi, V. Chis, E. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, B. Hellsing and J.P. Toennies
    «Theory of surface phonons at metal surfaces: recent advances»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 084020 (2010)
  370. S. Mathias, A. Ruffing, F. Deicke, M. Wiesenmayer, I. Sakar, G. Bihlmayer, E.V. Chulkov, Y.M. Koroteev, P.M. Echenique, M. Bauer and M. Aeschlimann
    «Quantum-well-induced giant spin-orbit splitting»
    Physical Review Letters 104, 066802 (2010)
  371. S. Bose, V.M. Silkin, R. Ohmann, I. Brihuega, L. Vitali, C.H. Michaelis, P. Mallet, J.Y. Veuillen, M.A. Schneider, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and K. Kern
    «Image potential states as a quantum probe of graphene interfaces»
    New Journal of Physics 12, 023028 (2010)
  372. A.K. Kazansky and P.M. Echenique
    «Theoretical study of the ionization of an alkali atom adsorbed on a metal surface by a lasser-assisted subfemtosecond pulse»
    Physical Review B 81, 075440 (2010)
  373. I. Nagy and P.M. Echenique
    «Dimensionality dependence of the self-interaction correction in the local-density approximation to density functional theory»
    Physical Review B 81, 113109 (2010)
  374. V.M. Silkin, B. Hellsing, L. Walldén, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Photoelectron driven acoustic surface plasmons in p(2×2)K/Be(0001): Ab initio calculations»
    Physical Review B 81, 113406 (2010)
  375. M. Quijada, R. Díez Muño, A.G. Borisov, J.A. Alonso and P.M. Echenique
    «Lifetime of electronic excitations in metal nanoparticles»
    New Journal of Physics 12, 053023 (2010)
  376. A.K. Kazansky and P.M. Echenique
    «Time-dependent dynamical image screening at a metal surface»
    Physical Review B 81, 193413 (2010)
  377. I.A. Nechaev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Inelastic decay rate of quasiparticles in a two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled electron system»
    Physical Review B 81, 195112 (2010)
  378. A.A. Lucas, G. Benedek, M. Sunjic and P.M. Echenique
    «Highly charged ion energy gain spectroscopy of molecular excitations»
    Chemical Physics Letters 493, 49 (2010)
  379. B. Borca, S. Barja, M. Garnica, D. Sánchez-Portal, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, C.F. Hermanns, J.J. Hinarejos, A.L. Vázquez de Parga, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and R. Miranda
    «Potential energy landscape for hot electrons in periodically nanostructured graphene»
    Physical Review Letters 105, 036804 (2010)
  380. V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, J.P Echeverry and P.M. Echenique
    «Modification of response properties of the Be(0001) surface upon adsorption of a potassium monolayer: An ab initio calculation»
    Physica Status Solidi B 247, 1849 (2010)
  381. V.M. Silkin, A.K. Kazansky, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Time-dependent screening of a point charge at a metal surface»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 304013 (2010)
  382. K. Pohl, B. Diaconescu, G. Vercelli, L. Vattuone, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and M. Rocca
    «Acoustic surface plasmon on Cu(111)»
    EPL 90, 57006 (2010)
  383. G. Benedek, P.M. Echenique, J.P. Toennies and F. Traeger
    «Atoms riding Rayleigh waves»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 304016 (2010)
  384. P.V. Zhukov, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Two types of excited electron dynamics in zinc oxide»
    Physical Review B 82, 094302 (2010)
  385. E.E. Krasovskii, V.M. Silkin, V.U. Nazarov, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Dielectric screening and band-structure effects in low-energy photoemission»
    Physical Review B 82, 125102 (2010)
  386. A.B. Schmidt, M. Pickel, M. Donath, P. Buczek, A. Ernst, V.P. Zhukov, P.M. Echenique, L.M. Sandratskii, E.V. Chulkov and M. Weinelt
    «Ultrafast magnon generation in an Fe film on Cu (100)»
    Physical Review Letters 105, 197401 (2010)
  387. B. Borca, S. Barja, M. Garnica, D. Sanchez-Portal, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulko. F. Hermans, J.J. Hinajeros, A.L. Vazquez de Parga, A. Arnau, P.M. Echenique and R. Miranda
    «Potential energy landscape for hot electrons in periodically nanostructures graphene»
    Physical Review Letter 105, 219702 (2010)
  388. A. Reyes-Coronado, R.G. Barrera, P.E. Batson, P.M. Echenique, A. Rivacoba and J. Aizpurua
    «Electromagnetic forces on plasmonic nanoparticles induced by fast electron beams»
    Physical Review B 82, 235429 (2010)
  389. N.H. March, E.V. Chulkov, P.M.. Echenique and C.C: Matthai
    «Phase transitions driven by quasiparticle interactions»
    Phase Transitions 83, 1085 (2010)
  390. R. Diez Muiño, D. Sánchez -Portal, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Time-dependent electron phenomena at surfaces»
    PNAS 108, 971 (2011)
  391. A.A. Lucas, G. Benedek, M. Sunjic and P.M. Echenique
    «Theory of highly charged ion energy gain spectroscopy of molecular collective excitations»
    New Journal of Physics 13, 013034 (2011)
  392. I.Yu. Sklydneva, R. Heid, P.M. Echenique, K.P. Bohnen and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon coupling in surface electronic states on Be (1010)»
    Physicsl Review B 83, 195437 (2011)
  393. V. Despoja, P.M. Echenique and M. Sunjic
    «Nonlocal microscopic theory of quantum friction between parallel metallic slabs»
    Physical Review B 83, 205424 (2011)
  394. I.Yu. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, K.P Bohnen, P.M. Echenique, G. Benedek and E.V. Chulkov
    «The Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling on the Surface Dynamical Properties and Electron-Phonon Interaction of Tl(0001)»
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115, 7352 (2011)
  395. A, Hernando, P. Crespo, MA. García, M. Coey, A. Ayuela and PM Echenique
    «Revisiting magnetism of capped Au and ZnO nanoparticles: surface band structure and atomic orbital with giant magnetic momento»
    Physica Status Solidi B, 1 (2011)
  396. P.E. Batson, A. Reyes-Coronado, R.G. Barrera, A. Rivacoba, P.M. Echenique and J. Aizpurua
    «Plasmonic nanobilliards: controlling nanoparticle movement using forces induced by swift electrons»
    Nano Letters 11, 388 (2011)
  397. M. Marks, N.L. Zaitsev, B. Schmidt, C.H. Schwalb, A. Scholl, I.A. Nechaev, P.M. Echenique, E.V. Chulkov and U. Hofer
    «Energy shift and wave function overlap of metal-organic interface states»
    Physical Review B 84, 081301 (2011)
  398. Yu. Sklyadneva, G. Benedek, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, R. Heid, K.-P. Bohnen and J.P. Toennies
    «Mode-selected electron-phonon coupling in superconducting Pb nanofilms determined from He atom scattering»
    Physical Review Letters 107, 095502 (2011)
  399. M. Feng, P. Cabrera-Sanfelix, C.W. Lin, A. Arnau, D. Sanchez-Portal, J. Zhao, P.M. Echenique and H. Petek
    «Orthogonal interactions of CO molecules on a one-dimensional substrate»
    ACS Nano 5, 8877 (2011)
  400. V.M. Silkin, T. Nagao, V. Despoja, J.P. Echeverry, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Low-energy plasmons in quantum-well and surface states of metallic thin films»
    Physical Review B 84, 165416 (2011)
  401. S.V. Eremeev et al.
    «Atom-specific spin mapping and buried topological states in a homologous series of topological insulators»
    Nature Communications 3:635 (2012)
  402. A. Ayuela, P. Crespo, M.A. García, A. Hernando and P.M. Echenique
    «Sp magnetism in clusters of gold thiolates»
    New Journal of Physics 14, 013064 (2012)
  403. A.G. Borisov, P.M. Echenique and A.K. Kazansky
    «Attostreaking with metallic nano-objects»
    New Journal of Physics 14, 023036 (2012)
  404. V.M. Silkin, R. Díez Muiño, I.P. Chernov, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Tuning the plasmon energy of Palladium-Hydrogen systems by varying the hydrogen concentration»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 104021 (2012)
  405. N.L. Zaitsev, I.A. Nechaev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Transformation of the Ag /111) surface state due to molecule-surface interaction with ordered organic molecular monolayers»
    Physical Review B 85, 115301 (2012)
  406. I.Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, K-P Bohnen, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Surface phonons on Pb(111)»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 104004 (2012)
  407. S. Caprara, V.V. Tugushev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Spin-polarized states of matter on the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator with implanted magnetic atoms»
    Physical Review B85, 121304 (R) (2012)
  408. I. Nagy and P.M. Echenique
    «Mean free path of a suddenly created fast electron moving in a degenerate electron gas»
    Physical Review B 85, 115131 (2012)
  409. I.Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, P.M. Echenique, K.B. Bohnen and E.V.Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon interaction in bulk Pb: beyond the Fermi surface»
    Physical Review B 85, 155115 (2012)
  410. J.P. Echeverry, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and V.M. Silkin
    «Low-energy plasmonic structure in CaC6»
    Physical Review B 85, 205135 (2012)
  411. S.V. Eremeev, I.A. Nechaev, Y.M. Koroteev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Ideal two-dimensional electron systems with a giant rashba-type spin splitting in real materials: surfaces of bismuth tellurohalides»
    Physical Review Letters 108, 246802 (2012)
  412. M. Ameen Poyli, V.M. Silkin, I.P. Chernov, P.M. Echenique, R. Díez Muiño and J. Aizpurua
    «Multiscale theoretical modeling of plasmonic sensing of hydrogen uptake in palladium nanodisks»
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 2556 (2012)
  413. I.Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, K.P. Bohnen, V. Chis, V.A. Volodin, K.A. Kokh, O.E. Tereshchenko, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Lattice dynamics of bismuth tellurohalides»
    Physical Review B 86, 094302 (2012)
  414. P.E. Batson, A. Reyes-Coronado, R.G. Barrera, A. Rivacoba, P.M. Echenique and J. Aizpurua
    «Nanoparticle movement: Plasmonic forces and physical constraints»
    Ultramicroscopy 123, 50 (2012)
  415. V. Chis, G. Benedek, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Phonons in ultrathin Bi(111) films: Role of spin-orbit coupling in electron-phonon interaction»
    Physical Review B 87, 075412 (2013)
  416. I.Y Sklyadneva, R. Heid, K.P Bohnen, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Mass enhancement parameter in free-standing ultrathin Pb(111) films: The effect of spin-orbit coupling»
    Physical Review B 87, 085440 (2013)
  417. A.G. Borisov, D. Sánchez-Portal, A.K. Kazansky and P.M. Echenique
    «Resonant and nonresonant processes in attosecond streaking from metals»
    Physial Review B 87, 121110(R) (2013)
  418. L. Vattuone, M. Smerieri, T. Langer, C. Tegenkamp, H. Pfnür, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and M. Rocca
    «Correlated motion of electrons on the Au(111) surface: anomalous acoustic surface-plasmon dispersion and single-particle excitations»
    Physical Review Letters 110, 127405 (2013)
  419. A. Politano, G. Chiarello, G. Benedek, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Vibrational spectroscopy and theory of alkali metal adsorption and co-adsorption on single-crystal surfaces»
    Surface Science Reports 68, 305 (2013)
  420. S.V. Eremeev, V.N. Men’shov, V.V. Tugushev, P.M. Echenique and Chulkov E.V.
    «Magnetic proximity effect at the three-dimensional topological insulator/magnetic insulator interface»
    Physical Review B 88, 144430 (2013)
  421. V.N. Men’shov, V.V. Tugushev, S.V. Eremeev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Magnetic proximity effect in the three-dimensional topological insulator/ferromagnetic insulator heterostructure»
    Physical Review B 88, 224401 (2013)
  422. G. Benedek, M. Bernasconi, K.P. Bohnen, D. Campin, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, R. Heid, I.Yu. Sklyadneva and J.P. Toennies
    «Unveiling mode-selected electron-phonon interactions in metal films by helium atom scattering»
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, 7159-7172 (2014)
  423. J. Jiang, S.S. Tsirkin, K. Shimada, H. Iwasawa, M. Arita, H. Anzai, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, I.Yu. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, K.P. Bohnen, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Many-body interactions and Rashba splitting of the surface state on Cu(110)»
    Physical Review B 89, 085404 (2014)
  424. D. Niesner, S. Otto, V. Hermann, T.H. Fauster, T.V. Menshchikova, S.V. Eremeev, Z.S. Aliev, I.R. Amiraslanov, M.B. Babanly, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Bulk and surface electron dynamics in a p-type topological insulator SnSb2Te4»
    Physical Review B 89, 081404(R) (2014)
  425. P.L. de Andres, P.M. Echenique, D. Niesner, T.H. Fauster and A. Rivacoba
    «One-dimensional potential for image-potential states on grapheme»
    New Journal of Physics 16, 023012 (2014)
  426. V.P. Zhukov, V.G. Tyuterev, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Hole-phonon relaxation and photocatalytic properties of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide: first-principles approach»
    International Journal of Photoenergy 2014 (2014)
  427. A.A. Lucas, M. Sunjic, G. Benedek and P.M. Echenique
    «Quantum ricochets: surface capture, release and energy loss of fast ions hitting a polar surface at grazing incidence»
    New Journal of Physics 16, 063015 (2014)
  428. M. Ligges, M. Sandhofer, I. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, K.P. Bohnen, S. Freutel, L. Rettig, P. Zhou, P.M. Echenique, E.V. Chulkov and U. Bovensiepen
    «Electron-phonon coupling in quantum-well states of the Pb/Si(111) system»
    Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 26, 352001 (2014)
  429. A. Hernando, A. Ayuela, P. Crespo and P.M. Echenique
    «Giant diamagnetism of gold nanorods»
    New Journal of Physics 16, 073043 (2014)
  430. E.V. Eremeev, I.A. Nechaev, P.M. Echenique and E.V.Chulkov
    «Spin-helical Dirac states in graphene induced by polar-substrate surfaces with giant spin-orbit interaction: a new platform for spintronics»
    Scientific Reports 4, 6900 (2014)
  431. V.N. Men’shov, V.V. Tugushev, V. Menshchikova, S.V. Eremeev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Modelling near-surface bound electron states in a 3D topological insulator: analytical and numerical approaches»
    Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter: an Institute of Physics Journal 26, 485003 (2014)
  432. M. Alcantara Ortigoza, I.Yu. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, E.V. Chulkov, T.S. Rahman, K.P. Bohnen and P.M. Echenique
    «Ab initio lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling of Bi(111)»
    Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 90, 195438 (2014)
  433. V.G. Tyuterev, V.P. Zhukov, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Relaxation of highly excited carriers in wide-gap semiconductors»
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 025801 (2015)
  434. V.N. Men’shov, V.V. Tugushev, S.V. Eremeev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Band bending driven evolution of the bound electron states at the interface between a three-dimensional topological insulator and a three-dimensional normal insulator»
    Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 91, 075307 (2015)
  435. F.J. Recio, N. Zabala, A. Rivacoba, P. CrespoA. Ayuela, P.M. Echenique and A. Hernando
    «Optical resonances of colloidal gold nanorods: from seeds to chemically thiolated long nanorods»
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 7856 (2015)
  436. S.V. Eremeev, T.V. Menshchikova, I.V. Silkin, M.G. Vergniory, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Sublattice effect on topological surface states in complex SnTe)n>1(Bi2Te3)m=1 compounds»
    Physical Review B 91, 245145 (2015)
  437. S.V. Eremeev, S.S. Tsirkin, I.A. Nechaev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «New generation of two-dimensional spintronic systems realized by coupling of Rashba and Dirac fermions»
    Scientific Reports 5, 12819 (2015)
  438. V. Despoja, V.M. Silkin, P.M. Echenique and M. Sunjic
    «Influence of surface electronic structure on quantum friction between Ag(111) slabs»
    Physical Review B 92, 125424 (2015)
  439. A. Politano, V.M. Silkin, I.A. Nechaev, M.S. Vitiello, L. Viti, Z.S. Aliev, M.B. Babanly, G. Chiarello, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Interplay of surface and dirac plasmons in topological insulators: the case of Bi2Se3»
    Physical Review Letters, 115, 216802 (2015)
  440. P. Sessi, V.M. Silkin, I.A. Nechaev, T. Bathon, L. El-Kareh, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and M. Bode
    «Direct observation of many-body charge density oscillations in a two-dimensional electron gas»
    Nature Communications 6, 8691 (2015)
  441. D.N. Marinica, M. Zapata, P. Nordlander, A.K. Kazansky, P.M. Echenique, J. Aizpurua and A. Borisov
    «Active quantum plasmonics»
    Science Advances 1, 11 (2015)
  442. U. Höfer and P.M. Echenique
    «Resolubility of image-potential resonances»
    Surface Science 643, 203 (2016)
  443. I.P. Rusinov, T.V. Menshchikova, A. Isaeva, S.V. Eremeev, Y.M. Koroteev, M.G. Vergniory, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Mirror-symmetry protected non-TRIM surface state in the weak topological insulator Bi2TeI»
    Scientific Reports 6, 20734 (2016)
  444. M.A. Gosalvez, M.M. Otrokov, N. Ferrando, A.G. Ryabishchenkova, A. Ayuela, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Low-coverage surface diffusion in complex periodic energy landscapes: analytical solution for systems with symmetric hops and application to intercalation in topological insulators»
    Physical Review B 93, 075429 (2016)
  445. I.Yu. Sklyadneva, I.P. Rusinov, R. Heid, K.P Bohnen, P.M. Echenique and E. Chulkov
    «Pressure-induced topological phases of KNa2Bi»
    Scientific Reports 6, 24137 (2016)
  446. M.A. Gosalvez, M.M. Otrokov, N. Ferrando, A.G. Ryabishchenkova, A. Ayuela, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Low-coverage surface diffusion in complex periodic energy landscapes. II. Analytical solution for systems with symmetric hops»
    Physical Review B 93, 205416 (2016)
  447. M.J. Lagos, A. Reyes-Coronado, A. Konecna, P.M. Echenique, J. Aizpurua and P.E. Batson
    «Attosecond and femtosecond forces exerted on gold nanoparticles induced by swift electrons»
    Physical Review B 93, 205440 (2016)
  448. V.P. Zhukov, V.G. Tyuterev, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Electron-phonon relaxation and excited electron distribution in gallium nitride»
    Journal of Applied Physics 120, 085708 (2016)
  449. E.E. Krasovskii, C. Friedrich, W. Schattke and P.M. Echenique
    «Rapid propagation of a Bloch wave packet excited by a femtosecond ultraviolet pulse»
    Physical Review B 94, 195434 (2016)
  450. S.V. Eremeev, I.P. Rusinov, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Temperature-driven topological quantum phase transitions in a phase-change material Ge2Sb2Te5»
    Scientific Reports 6, 38799 (2016)
  451. I.A. Nechaev, S.V. Eremeev, E.E. Krasovskii, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Quantum spin Hall insulators in centrosymmetric thin films composed from topologically trivial BiTeI trilayers»
    Scientific Reports 7, 43666 (2017)
  452. M.M. Otrokov, T.V. Menshchikova, M.G. Vergniory, I.P. Rusinov, A.Y. Vyazovskaya, Y.M. Koroteev, G. Bihlmayer, A. Ernst, P.M. Echenique, A. Arnau and E.V. Chulkov
    «Highly-ordered wide bandgap materials for quantized anomalous Hall and magnetoelectric effects»
    2D Materials 4, 025082 (2017)
  453. I.P. Rusinov, I.Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, K.P. Bohnen, E.K. Petrov, Y.M. Koroteev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Nontrivial topology of cubic alkali bismuthides»
    Physical Review B 95, 224305 (2017)
  454. F. Siek, S. Neb, P. Bartz, M. Hensen, C. Struber, S. Fiechter, M. Torrent-Sucarrat, V.M. Silkin, E.E. Krasovskii, N.M. Kabachnik, S. Fritzsche, R.D. Muino, P.M. Echenique, A.K. Kazansky, N. Muller, W. Pfeiffer and U. Heinzmann
    «Angular momentum-induced delays in solid-state photoemission enhanced by intra-atomic interactions»
    Science 357, 1274-1277 (2017)
  455. I.V. Silkin, Y.M. Koroteev, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Formation of surface and quantum-well states in ultra thin Pt films on the Au(111) surface»
    Materials 10, 1409 (2017)
  456. M.A.Poyli, M. Hrton, I.A. Nechaev, A.Y. Nikitin, P.M. Echenique, V.M. Silkin, J. Aizpurua and R. Esteban
    «Controlling surface charge and spin density oscillations by Dirac plasmon interaction in thin topological insulators»
    Physical Review B 97, 115420 (2018)
  457. I.Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, K.P. Bohnen, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in the (4/3)-monolayer of Pb on Si(111): Role of spin-orbit interaction»
    Physical Review B 97, 195409 (2018)
  458. V. Despoja, P.M. Echenique and M. Sunjic
    «Quantum friction between oscillating crystal slabs: graphene monolayers on dielectric substrates»
    Physical Review B 98, 125405 (2018)
  459. I.P. Rusinov, P. Golub, I.Y. Sklyadneva, A. Isaeva, T.V. Menshchikova, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Chemically driven surface effects in polar intermetallic topological insulators A(3)Bi»
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 26372 (2018)
  460. G. Benedek, I.Yu. Sklyadneva, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, R. Heid, K.P. Bohnen, D. Schmicker, S. Schmidt and J.P. Toennies
    «Phonons and electron-phonon anomalies in ultra.thin Pb films on Si(111) and Ge(111)»
    Surface Science 678, 38 (2018)
  461. V.M. Silkin, E.E. Krasovskii, E.V. Chulkov and P.M. Echenique
    «Dynamics and mean-free path of electronic excitations in WSe2»
    Surface Science 678, 72 (2018)
  462. I.Y. Sklyadneva, G. Benedek, R. Heid, P.M. Echenique, J.P. Toennies and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon interaction in the 4/3-monolayer of Pb on Si(111): theory versus He-atom scattering experiments»
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 29039 (2018)
  463. M.M.Otrokov, I.P. Rusinov, M. Blanco-Rey, M. Hoffmann, A.Y. Vyazovskaya, S.V. Eremeev, A. Ernst, P.M. Echenique, A. Arnau and E.V. Chulkov
    «Unique thickness-dependent properties of the van der Waals interlayer antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4 films»
    Physical Review Letters 122, 107202 (2018)
  464. J.P. Echeverry, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique and V. M. Silkin
    «Low-energy collective electronic excitations in LiC6, SrC6, and BaC6»
    Physical Review B 100, 115137 (2019)
  465. J. Riemensberger, S. Neppl, D. Potamianos, M. Schaffer, M. Schnitzenbaumer, M. Ossiander, C. Schroder, A. Guggenmos, U. Kleineberg, D. Menzel, F. Allegretti, J.V. Barth, R. Kienberger, P. Feulner, A.G. Borisov, P.M. Echenique and A.K. Kazansky
    «Attosecond dynamics of sp-band photoexcitation»
    Physical Review Letters 123, 176801 (2019)
  466. M. M. Otrokov, I. I. Klimovskikh, H. Bentmann, D. Estyunin, A. Zeugner, Z. S. Aliev, S. Gaß, A. U. B. Wolter, A. V. Koroleva, A. M. Shikin, M. Blanco-Rey, M. Hoffmann, I. P. Rusinov, A. Yu. Vyazovskaya, S. V. Eremeev, Yu. M. Koroteev, V. M. Kuznetsov, F. Freyse, J. Sánchez-Barriga, I. R. Amiraslanov, M. B. Babanly, N. T. Mamedov, N. A. Abdullayev, V. N. Zverev, A. Alfonsov, V. Kataev, B. Büchner, E. F. Schwier, S. Kumar, A. Kimura, L. Petaccia, G. Di Santo, R. C. Vidal, S. Schatz, K. Kißner, M. Ünzelmann, C. H. Min, Simon Moser, T. R. F. Peixoto, F. Reinert, A. Ernst, P. M. Echenique, A. Isaeva and E. V. Chulkov
    «Prediction and observation of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator»
    Nature 576, 416-422 (2019)
  467. D.I. Yasnov, A.P. Protogenov, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Collective excitations and universal broadening of cyclotron absorption in Dirac semimetals in a quantizing magnetic field»
    Physical Review B 101, 245206 (2020)
  468. I.I. Klimovskikh, M.M. Otrokov, D. Estyunin, S.V. Eremeev, S.O. Filnov, A. Koroleva, E. Shevchenko, V. Voroshnin, A.G. Rybkin, I.P Rusinov, M. Blanco-Rey, M. Hoffmann, Z.S. Aliev, M.B. Babanly, I.R. Amiraslanov N.A. Abdullayev, V.N. Zverev, A. Kimura, O.E. Tereshchenko, K.A. Kokh, L. Petaccia, G. Di Santo, A. Ernst, P.M. Echenique, N.T. Mamedov, A.M. Shikin and E.V. Chulkov
    «Tunable 3D/2D magnetism in the (MnBi2Te4)(Bi2Te3)(m)topological insulators family»
    NPJ Quantum Materials 5, 54 (2020)
  469. M. Muller, P.M. Echenique and D. Sanchez-Portal
    «Key role of the surface band structure in spin-dependent interfacial electron transfer: Ar/Fe(110) and Ar/Co(0001)»
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 7141 (2020)
  470. G. Benedek, M. Bernasconi, D. Campi, I.V. Silkin, I.P. Chernov, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, J.P. Toennies, G. Anemone, A. Al Taleb, R. Miranda and D. Farías
    «Evidence for a spin acoustic surface plasmon from inelastic atom scattering»
    Scientific Reports 11, 1506 (2020)
  471. I.Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon coupling in the magnetic Weyl semimetal ZrCo2Sn»
    Physical Review B 103, 024303 (2021)
  472. S.V. Eremeev, I.P. Rusinov, Y.M. Koroteev, A.Y. Vyazovskaya, M. Hoffmann, P.M. Echenique, A. Ernst, M.M. Otrokov and E.V. Chulkov
    «Topological magnetic materials of the (MnSb2Te4)center dot(Sb2Te3)(n) van der Waals compounds family»
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (2021)
  473. I.Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon interaction in In-induced structures on Si(111) from first-principles»
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 7955 (2021)
  474. G. Bracco, L. Vattuone, M. Smerieri, G. Carraro, L. Savio, G. Paolini, G. Benedek, P.M. Echenique and M. Rocca
    «Prominence of terahertz acoustic surface plasmon excitation in gas−surface interaction with metals»
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 9894 (2021)
  475. M. Bernasconi, R.D. Muino, P.M. Echenique, J.R. Manson, S. Miret-Artes and J.P.Toennies
    «Giorgio Benedek: an extraordinary scientist and cultured gentleman»
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, 28105 (2022)
  476. M. Bernasconi, R.D. Muino, P.M. Echenique, J.R. Manson, S. Miret-Artes and J.P.Toennies
    «New trends and challenges in surface phenomena, carbon nanostructures and helium droplets – Festschrift for Giorgio Benedek»
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, 28103 (2022)
  477. M.J., Ambrosio, E. Plesiat, P. Decleva, P.M. Echenique, R.D. Muino and F. Martin
    «Scattering effects from neighboring atoms in core-level WSe2 photoemission»
    Physical Review B 105, 125405 (2022)
  478. I.Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, P.M. Echenique and E.V. Chulkov
    «Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in a 2D Tl-Pb compound on Si(111)»
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, 10140 (2022)
  479. M.J. Ambrosio, E. Plesiat, P. Decleva, P.M. Echenique, R.D. Muino and F. Martin
    «Cluster approach to scattering in MoS2 photoemission»
    Chemical Physics 557, 111476 (2022)
  480. G. Poelchen, J. Hellwig, M.Peters, D.Y. Usachov, K. Kliemt, C. Laubschat, P.M. Echenique, E.V. Chulkov, C. Kreliner, S.S.P. Parkin, D.V. Vyalikh, A. Ernst and K. Kummer
    «Long-lived spin waves in a metallic antiferromagnet»
    Nat. Commun. 14, 5422 (2023)